Chapter 65

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Seth (POV)
Suddenly just when all seemed lost, a beam of magic came down from the sky and struck one of Nirvana's legs causing it to tilt and barley miss Cait Shelter. More beams rain down and the blast from Nirvana stops.
Jellal- What just happened?
We look up to see a shadow blocking out the moon.
Erza- No way.
It was Christina.
Wendy- Oh wow.
Erza- The magic bomber Christina saves the day.
Jellal- Is it an ally?
??? (Telepathic)- Do you read me? Anyone? Please let me know you're ok.
Seth- We're all good here Hibiki.
Hibiki (telepathic)- Seth. How you doing friend? Good to know you're ok.
Seth- Erza and Wendy are with me.
Hibiki (telepathic)- I've got them on my screen.
Seth- So how in the hell did you manage to get that ship to fly again?
Hibiki (telepathic) Hard work and lots of it. For group of wizards who barely know each other, we're good at working together to get the job done. Christina lost one of her wings when it was shot down so Lyon's using his ice make magic to replace it. On the bow, Sherry is combining her marionette magic with Ren's air magic to keep the damaged hull intact. Our attack on Nirvana was thanks to Eve's snow magic.
Carla- Thank you so much.
Erza- We owe you one.
Wendy- Because of you, my guild is safe. Thank you.
Hibiki (telepathic)- I'm sure you can tell but everyone here is running low on magic energy right now. I'm afraid we can't attack from the ship anymore. Power is too low. Just flying this far was hard enough. Don't worry, we're gonna be fine. Listen up. There's one last thing. A little bit of good news if you will. I've finally found what I've been looking for in the archive. I know how to stop Nirvana.
Seth- Well go on. Tell us.
Hibiki (telepathic)- You know the six appendages we thought we're legs? Well they aren't. They're pipes. Apparently they suck magic energy out of the earth which then is used to power Nirvana. At the base of each leg is a lacrima that controls the supply of magic energy. From what I understand, if all six lacrima are destroyed simultaneously, it will wreak havoc on Nirvana's control system therefore forcing it to shut down. They must be destroyed at once or the other five will simply repair the damaged one.
Erza- Simultaneously destroy six lacrima? How do we do that?
Hibiki (telepathic)- If I could, I'd maintain telepathy to time out the strategy. How about this. I'll give each of you a synced timer. I'm uploading it to you now. But listen guys, it has to be precise.
I get a timer in my head that's at 20 minutes.
Seth- Why twenty minutes?
Hibiki (telepathic)- That's when Nirvana will be fully charged ready to fire again.
Erza- We have to destroy all six.
Jellal- At once.
Seth- Son of a bitch.
Hibiki- (telepathic) If anyone can do it, it's you guys. I have faith in you.
???- (telepathic) Care to wager a bet?
Erza- Who are you?
Wendy- It's that creepy Brain guy.
Hibiki (telepathic)- How is he able to high Jack my telepathy?
??? (Telepathic)- I am Zero, Master of the Oracion Seis. Brain is no more. First of all, allow me to commend you. You fooled me. I never suspected there might be other wizards capable of  archive magic like Brain. Now heed my words wizards of light! I am going to obliterate everything you hold dear! I've already begun by destroying three of your little friends! A dragon slayer! An ice wizard! A celestial wizard. Haha, and two cats.
Seth- Natsu......Mandy.......
Wendy- What did they ever do to you?
Zero (telepathic)- Did I hear you guys saying something about destroying Nirvana's lacrima simultaneously? Well you can try. But I'm standing right in front of one of them and I have no intention of leaving. Hahaha! As long as I'm here, it'll be impossible to destroy all six at once.
He cuts the link.
Jellal- Though It seems impossible, we can destroy all six at once. We must split up and attack individually and hope that we all strike at the same time. Each wizard has a one in six chance of running into Zero. Unfortunately, Erza and Seth are the only ones who has any real chance against him.
Carla- Excuse me but I think you're forgetting something like basic math! We don't have enough wizards with enough magic energy to go through with your plan.
Wendy- (gasp) But that means......No. I-I can't fight. I'm sorry! I can't help you!
Erza- We can't do it on our own. Is there anyone else strong enough to help us?
Ichiya (telepathic)- Yes my honey. I'm able bodied and at your service. Although I am tied up right now.
Erza- That's four. Is there anyone else?! Please!
I begin to walk away.
Erza- Seth where are you going?
The wind picks up and dark clouds roll in with every step that I take. I stop and lift my head to look at her.
Indigo: something like this

Seth- (Drakô voice) He took out my little bro

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Seth- (Drakô voice) He took out my little bro. He took away my only other friend I've known since she hatched from that egg. (Holy Dragon Slayer magic explodes from his body) I'm gonna go kill that bastard. Believe that.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully y'all enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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