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Silently he stood at the helm of his ship. Watching for the telltale signs of the coastline of Istanbul. He had navigated these waters so many times and yet it was always thrilling to come upon the city in the hours before the sun made it's presence felt. He relished the moment, knowing he would not be back out on the water for God knew how long. He was home. Not because he wanted to but because he had no choice.

He left the deck, handing over control and care to one of his crewman as he descended the stairs headed to his cabin. He was already packed but made a quick survey of the room once more. He had spent endless nights hear mostly alone and exhausted from the demands of the ship and crew. Occasionally he had company. He was not a monk nor a saint and he very much enjoyed being in the company of women. At times he even contemplated the idea of having a family of his own. But those moments were fleeting. He rarely allowed himself the luxury to think such thoughts. What could a sailor bring to a young woman whose family only cared about her societal position. He knew from past experience that unless he had a position, and name and better yet a title he could only hope for a union out of love. Love! Once known as the word that could tie a man and woman together for life was now a secondary thought when it came to marriages. It was not necessary to love in order to marry. In fact it could complicate things unnecessarily. How many wars had been fought because of love. How many kingdoms destroyed because of the loss of it. Well he didn't have to worry one way or the other. There was no marriage planned for him. There was no love waiting for him at the shoreline eager to embrace him and hear all about his travels. There was merely duty now. He had been summoned by his baba and he could no more refuse him as he could refuse the emperors call. He had dreaded coming back to the only home he had ever known. It caused him both anguish and anger. How long would his family have to pay for the handiwork of others. How long would his father endure the humiliation of the court. Had his baba but given him the command to seek out the wretch who had defiled their family name and honor he would have gladly put an end to the cowards miserable life. Instead he was sent away with his brother. Sent far away in order to build a new life after having surrendered the old one while his parents and younger sister stayed behind to carry on and bear the brunt of the deception that had been played out upon them.

Two months had passed since he had been given the message in Spain to return home. He couldn't believe it. In fact he didn't believe it. After investigating and calling on his allies in the sailing world he was assured that the bearer of the message was trustworthy. Rafid, his fathers most trusted companion; had been sent with him and his brother on that fateful night. He validated that the handwriting was indeed that of his father's. The message was a single line. "Aslan, come home; your destiny awaits".

My wonderful EK fan community I hope you will follow along with my new story. I hope it will
Fill your days and nights with the same kind of love and joy that Erkenci Kus gave us week after week. I can only hope that I have captured our main characters essence for you.
Please vote and give me your comments. That's the only way I can know how I'm doing!
Much love!
******I am also continuing my first story Butterfly and Flame********if you've been following that one I'll be posting a new chapter tomorrow. If this is your first time reading anything of mine please stop by and check it out. Also inspired by Can and Sanem but completely different and unique characters.
Thank you all!

My Life. My Only One.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora