Appreciation // Clark Baxtresser & Reader

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Request from ima_forest_fir3

"Are you guys coming out?" Meredith asked.

"Yep!" Clark replied.

"Oh, I don't know. I doubt that anyone is dying to meet the violinist," I said, chuckling lightly. I put my binder of sheet music into my bag.

"Aw, come on," Clark insisted. I turned to face him once again. "You never know! A young violin prodigy may be out there just begging to meet you and hear your wisdom!" I failed to hold back a giggle.

Meredith looked at me. "Are you sure you don't want to come?"

"I'm sure! Go on out! I'll catch up with you guys after."

I watched her leave. Clark sighed next to me. I rolled my eyes and continued to gather my things.

"We'll just hang out with everyone else. It'll be fine."

"Why do you even want me to go with you?"

"I don't want you feeling left out."

I sighed and considered his words.



"Clark! You're so incredible! I love you so much!" a young girl said.

"Thank you so much!" He gave her a wide smile and nodded.

"Can you sign my playbill?"

"Uh, sure." She handed it over and he uncapped his sharpie. I noticed everyone else's signatures. I stood awkwardly just off to the side. He handed it back to her.

"Can we take a picture?"


She finally brought her attention to me. "Do you mind?" She was holding her phone out to me.

I slapped on a smile and nodded. "Not at all!"

"Great!" She wrapped her arms around Clark's waist. He put an arm over her shoulder. I took a couple photos. "Thanks. Do you want me to take your pic with him for you?"

"Oh, uh, I'm not-"

"She isn't a fan. This is (y/n)," Clark interjected. "She plays the violin in the band."


"Do you want her to sign your playbill too?"

"Um.." She looked between me and Clark. "Sure!" She smiled and gave it to me. Clark gave me his sharpie and I signed. "Thank you guys."

As she walked away, I slapped Clark's arm.

"Why did you do that?"

"I'm sorry! That just kind of bothered me." He frowned.

"Thats sweet but it really wasn't necessary! I know I'm not someone these kids know. That's why I didn't want to come out here."

"But they should know you! You're an incredible musician! The show couldn't happen without you."

"Thank you. I don't think you forcing them to talk to me is gonna make them like me."

He laughed heartily. He pulled me into a hug and I gave in, resting my forehead against his chest. "Okay, that's a good point. I'll calm down. I just don't want you to feel like you aren't one of us. Because you are."

"Thank you, Clark. Really."

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