Lyrics // Clark Baxtresser & Reader

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I sat impatiently, waiting for Clark. My foot tapped lightly against the hard wood floors, echoing throughout the studio. Clark was running late for our meeting. He had asked me to meet him to talk about music. I was excited to focus on something other than the show for a moment and try out new music. I glanced towards the clock on the wall.

"20 minutes late," I huffed to myself. It wasn't like Clark to be late. He was always set on being punctual. I was about to text him when the door swung open. He entered, out of breath, and smiled towards me.

"Hey! I'm so sorry, I'm late. There was crazy traffic getting here." I just laughed at his excuse. He was cute when he was rambling.

Did I just call Clark cute?

I knew that Clark was attractive. Everyone did. Yet, I'd never really thought about my feelings towards him until we had started working so closely together with music.

"It's fine. At least you made it at all," I said, standing up. Clark walked over to the keyboard and I grabbed him a music stand.

"Thanks," he said, taking the stand. "Now, down to business."

"Yes. Why have you summoned me?" Clark laughed at my lame joke and turned on the keyboard.

"I couldn't sleep last night, so I messed around with some stuff and created a little something. I thought I'd play it for you, and then you could come up with some great lyrics for it."

"Sounds like a plan!" I picked up my lyric book and a pencil, before sitting down in a chair near Clark. "Play on, Clarky boy." Clark laughed at the nickname. He took a deep breath before playing the song. I watched as his fingers delicately tickled the keys in a beautiful harmony. I scribbled down various lyrics that could fit as he played. I tried to feel the vibe of the song. It wasn't like his usual style of song. This seemed to have a deeper, more emotional feel. I finished writing down a random line as Clark stopped. I looked up to see that he looked nervous.

"You okay?" I asked, furrowing my brow. Clark quickly replaced the fear with a slight smile.

"Of course," he said, quickly, though I didn't quite believe him. "What did you think?"

"I like it. It's different, but in a really good way. What was your feeling while writing the song? I jotted down some lyric bits but what you felt might help me pick which ones fit."

"Well," Clark started, looking away, "I couldn't sleep because I couldn't get this girl out of my head." My smile wavered for a moment, but it was quickly fixed.


"Yeah. I couldn't close my eyes without seeing her smile and hearing her voice. I didn't know how I could tell her my feelings, so I played them out." I felt a tug at my heart as I realized this song was for some girl he liked.

"Okay, so it's a love song. Got it."

"But its more than that," Clark said, sitting forward in his chair, closer to me. "It's a song of longing and fear, too." I didn't know how to respond. I glanced down at my lyric book and crossed out some lines while circling some others.

"(Y/N)," Clark said, taking a deep breath. I looked up to see he was leaning towards me. "How would you tell these feelings?" I felt a strange intensity radiating from Clark.

"Play it." Clark sat for moment, looking at me, before turning back to the keyboard. As he played, I sang some possible lines. "One of these days you'll realize what you mean to me. Oh ooo. Well, I try to talk, but I can't. My soul has turned to steel. This happens every now and then when I try to tell you just how I feel. So if you ever love somebody, you gotta keep them close. Ooo. Because I'm falling deeper in love, in loooove. Deeper in love, in loooove. Deeper in love, in loooove."

I stopped and looked up from my song book. Clark stopped playing and looked at me with eyes full of an unknown emotion.

"Woah," he sighed. I blushed, and brushed some hair behind my ear.


"Those lyrics were perfect."

"I guess I've just known the feeling," I laughed. Clark stood up from the keyboard suddenly, causing me to flinch.

"(Y/N)?" I sat, waiting for him to say more, but he just stood there.

"What is it, Clark?" He took a step away from the keyboard, towards me. My breathing sped up as I tried to figure out what was going through Clark's head. I had a thought, but couldn't believe it. He took two more steps so that he was just inches from me.

"It's you," he finally said. I stood up so that our faces were almost touching. I flashed Clark a smile before pressing my lips to his.

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