Jump In // Joey Richter & Reader

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"Come on, (Y/N)! It's not that bad!" Joey was shouting from inside the lake as I laughed at him from my chair on the beach. He was splashing around like a child with everyone else. 

"No, Joey! I don't want to swim."

"Pleeeeeease?!!" I looked out at Joey's adorable face as he begged me to get it. I felt butterflies fluttering around as if my insides were on fire. Three years of friendship with Joey had led to me having the biggest crush on him. I sighed and stood up, dropping the towel from around me. I saw what I thought was a blush on Joey's face as I walked up to the dock in my bikini.

I jumped in and immediately regretted it as I plunged into the icy water.

"Jesus Fucking Shit, it's cold." I called out in pain. Everyone laughed as Joey swam over to me. I felt myself encompassed in heat as two arms wrapped around my shivering body.

"Is this better?" Joey asked. I clung onto his shirtless body, causing a deep blush to take over my face.

"Um-U-Yea," I stammered.

Is Joey Richter actually holding me in his arms?

"Thanks, Joey." He smiled that crooked smile at me and I melted even more into his touch. I barely noticed the cold anymore as I stared into my friend's chocolate brown eyes.

"Anytime," Joey said, breathlessly. "Any excuse to hold you." I felt my heart skip a beat as the words left Joey's mouth. I let my hands move around the back of him neck as he held our bodies even closer together. He leaned his face towards mine and I didn't resist. Our lips touched and I smiled stupidly into the short kiss. We disconnected and I saw that he was grinning too.

I knew everyone else must've been looking at us but I didn't care as I reconnected our lips.

Is this a good start??

Update:: I'm editing this story so that more of them are " ____ x reader" instead of some random name

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