Reunion // Joe Walker & Reader

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This is a request from quillbriar ! Thanks so much and I hope you like it!

((it's a lil PG-13 oops))

"I don't know, Jaime. He's gonna be there. I'm not sure if I can see him again."

"(Y/n), sweetie, it's been almost 6 years. You've moved on. He's a different guy. You've both changed." Maybe he had, but I hadn't. Not completely. But I didn't want Jaime to know that. It was embarrassing to still be so affected by something that went down so long ago. "It's for the 10th anniversary of the show and everyone else is gonna be there! It just wouldn't be the same without you."

I thought for a moment. I would love to be with everyone again. Starkid and the Potter musicals were a part of me and they always would be. I had really missed performing and meeting fans. Interacting online never felt like enough.

It was smart of Holden and the Lang boys to enlist Jaime to ask me. They knew that she was the member of Starkid that I had remained closest with. She had a way of getting to me. She's a very persuasive person.

"Alright, I'll go." I heard Jaime cheer on the other end of the phone call.

"Yay! It's gonna be so fun! You can stay with Andrew and me!"


As I walked into the rehearsal space with Jaime, my nerves were spiking. It had been so long since I'd seen most of these people. I really missed performing with them. But still, seeing him was going to be tricky.

We walked over to talk with Joey, Lauren, Joe Moses, and Bonnie. I was so happy to see them all. We shared hugs and caught each other up on our lives. Each time the door opened, we looked to see who it was and welcomed them to the mini conversations. Darren, Julia, and Lily joined us pretty quickly.

And then Joe Walker came in. He greeted everyone with strong hugs. When he turned to me, his smile fell a little.

"Hey, (y/n)."


He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "How have you been? You look amazing."

"Thank you." I hated the way the compliment made me blush. I smiled weakly. "And I've been good. What about you?"

"Good! Good." I nodded. I could feel Jaime watching us. "Are you excited to do the show?"

"Yeah, I am. It's really to cool to see everyone. It's gonna be fun."

"Yeah, I'm sure. How long has it been since..." he trailed off and lowered his gaze.

"6 years." My smile vanished.

"I'm really sorry. You know that, right?"

"Yeah, I know, Joe. It's been so long."

"So, we're okay?" His eyes met mine again.

I thought for a moment. His soft gaze was melting my tough exterior away. "Yeah, Joe. We're okay."

His sweet smile came back and he nodded. "Good."


Darren had arranged this fancy party to celebrate after Homecoming. It was loud and crowded and I was tipsy. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Joe. He was nursing a beer and his shirt had the first two buttons undone. I swallowed and looked at his eyes.

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