Missing You // AJ Holmes & Reader

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This might be my longest one yet! I hope y'all like it!

I arrived at the convention center full of nerves. It had been almost 2 years since I had performed with Starkid, but we were back at LeakyCon to perform our 3rd and final Harry Potter musical.

My best friend, Lauren, had been the one to really convince me to come. Sure I missed everyone, but I didn't know if I was ready. I hadn't performed in so long. The time constraints terrified me as well. I was glad we would be holding our scripts on stage.

Another good thing was that I wouldn't have a huge part. A few cameo scenes that didn't make or break the show. It was a lot less pressure on me. And it made sense since I wasn't really a part of Starkid anymore. I also didn't know who all was going to make it out for this.

"(Y/n)!" I turned to look at who had called my name. I saw Lauren with a huge smile on her face. I ran up to her and hugged her tight. As we pulled apart I saw other people were with her.

I recognized their faces. Standing in front of me was Joey, Meredith, both Brians, and Jaime. I felt like I was gonna cry. I didn't really know how much I missed them until I saw them. I greeted and hugged each of them. None of them had changed a bit in my mind.

"It's been so long!" I said, sighing.

"Too long," Jaime replied.

We all walked together to the conference room we were supposed to be rehearsing in. We were going to have a table read before going into the blocking. When we walked into the room, I was already overwhelmed. It looked like we were some of the last people to arrive.

As soon as I saw Devin, I walked up to her. I tapped her shoulder and she turned to face me. She squealed, pulling me into a tight hug. I held her back. We were really close in college and I missed her a lot.

"Yo! (Y/n)!" a deep voice said. I let go of Devin and saw that she was talking with Jim. I hugged him as well and we talked for a bit.

I eventually got to catch up with everybody. Joe Walker and Brian Holden were telling me a story about something that happened during Apocalyptour. After I caught my breath from laughing, I watched the door open as someone walked in. My heart skipped a beat when I saw who it was.

AJ Holmes walked in and looked around nervously. AJ and I used to be really close. I always had feelings for him, but I never told him. As we grew up, we grew apart. AJ went off to do serious theater and I got a job. I thought about reaching out when the Young Frankenstein tour came into town, but I chickened out.

We made eye contact and he waved at me. I hoped that he would just look away and talk to someone else. I saw him walking towards me. I tried to calm down my nerves and just act like a normal person.

"Hey, (y/n)," he said. He had this sweet smile on his face that made me smile back. "It's nice to see you."

"It's nice to see you, too, AJ," I replied. "How've you been?" I knew how he had been. He'd been great. He'd been doing what he loved.

"Busy," was all he said. "How have you been?"

"Okay. Managing." He nodded and I did as well. We were silent for a moment. I saw AJ's hands were stuffed into his pockets. He always did that when he got nervous.

"Well, it's really cool to see everyone." We both looked around the room. Everyone else was having animated conversations. And then there was the two of us.

-time skip to end of AVPSY-

We all watched Darren singing his final song from the wings. I looked around at all of the people around me. So many of us were crying. We knew this wasn't the end of Starkid, but it was the last time a lot of us would get to see each other. I hugged Lauren's side.

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