Changes (pt.2) // Brian Holden & Meredith Stepien

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Why the FUCK is this book at 20k reads?!?! Thanks so much, you guys! I love Y'all.

I suggest going back and re-reading the first part of this so that you remember what's going on. Enjoy!

"Hey, Mer!" Meredith looked up from the stack of papers she was carrying. Brian was jogging in her direction.

"Hey! What's up?"

"Are you going to the end of season party tonight?" He stopped when he reached her and caught his breath.

"I was thinking about it. Are you?"

"Yeah, I am," Brian said, nodding. "Uh, and I, um, think you should too."

"Really?" Meredith blushed lightly and glanced down at the paperwork in her arms.

"Well, yeah! It's sort of like everyone's last time seeing each other for a while. They'll want to see you."

Meredith considered his words and nodded. "Alright. I'll go." She looked back up at Brian with a soft smile. "I gotta take these papers to Jeremy and then I'm done for the summer. I'll see you tonight."

"See you tonight," Brian repeated. As she walked away, she bit her lip to try to hide her grin. She didn't know that Brian was doing the same thing.


The party was at a nearby bar. When Meredith walked into the place, she found her group of coworkers pretty easily. Jeremy was doing shots with Jenny and Matt was cheering them on. She looked around at the rest of the group as she walked over to join them. Brian wasn't there. She couldn't help but be a little disappointed. She thought Brian's statement earlier was a pretty obvious sign that he wanted to see her there. She wasn't misreading everything was she?

"Mer! You made it!" Brian walked up to her from behind holding a pitcher of beer.

"Hey! And yeah, of course! " Meredith said.

Brian smiled. He walked past her to set down the pitcher. He poured each of them a glass and handed Meredith hers.

As the night went on they ate and drank and told stories. They brought up funny things that had happened over the last couple of months. They talked about what they were planning for their futures. Hours passed like minutes.

"I'm glad we ended up working together this summer," Brian said. Meredith couldn't help but blush. "I'm just glad that I got to get to know the real you."

"Yeah, me too," she laughed. "I don't even remember why I hated you so much."

"Me neither!" 

"Hey, guys," Matt said. "I'm gonna head out." It was then that Meredith and Brian noticed that they were the last three people there.

They all said goodbyes and hugged. Once Matt was gone, Brian looked at Meredith. He was admiring her nose and the curve of her lips. Her eyes met his and she smiled.

"It is getting pretty late. I should probably go, too."

"Oh, okay." Brian tried not to sound too disappointed. He had meant to make a move tonight but it never happened. He had missed his chance.

The two grabbed their things and walked out of the bar. Brian lived fairly close, but he insisted on waiting with Meredith for her uber.

"You really don't have to, Bri."

"I'd feel better seeing you get into the car so I know you're safe."

Meredith blushed deeply. "Well, thank you."

"Of course." And then the pair stood in silence. But each of them had so much going on in their heads. They were both drawn from their thoughts of the other when the car pulled up.

Meredith to turned to face Brian. "Thanks again for waiting with me. I'll see you around."

"Yeah, see ya." She walked away towards the car. She was about to open the door when Brian called, "Mer?"

"Yeah?" She asked, looking back at him. He took a few long strides to her.

"Uh, would you want to grab dinner sometime? I'd really like to keep seeing you."

"Like, as a date?"

"Yeah," he said, sheepishly.

She smiled and nodded. "I'd like that." The driver honked. "I really gotta go but..." she said, rummaging through her purse. She pulled out a pen. She carefully took his hand and wrote her phone number onto his forearm. "Bye, Brian." She took a breath to summon up her confidence before kissing his cheek.

Meredith left in the Uber and Brian walked back to his apartment. Each of them couldn't stop smiling the entire time.


I'm sorry for having two author's notes on this part but I have a little announcement. I recently posted the first part of a Harry Potter imagines book! If that interests any of Y'all, you checking it out would mean a whole lot to me. Thank you! ((:

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