Comments // Darren Criss & Reader

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I scrolled through the comments on the picture I had just posted of Darren and I. I could feel my heart sink with every insult. I let a few tears fall and cursed myself for caring what they thought of me.

Of course I cared what they thought. They were fans of my boyfriend and want what's best for him. Maybe they're right and he is too good for me.

I wiped away my last tear just as Darren walked in.

"Hey, (y/n). Whatcha doing?"

"Nothing," I sighed. My phone went off and Darren examined my screen. He saw the comment and gave me a concerned look. He unlocked my phone and scrolled through the comments. He finally looked up at me and I could see his eyes were filled with hurt.

"You don't listen to these people, do you?" Darren grabbed my hands in his and held them tightly.

"How can I not, Darren! It's all I see," I cried. I tried to look away but Darren lifted my chin so I was looking in his eyes. I could see a tear threatening to spill over from his hazel eyes.

"Please don't listen to them. You know that I love you and that I wouldn't change a thing about you. I'm with you because I love you. And that means I love everything about you. Do you understand that?" I just nodded my head. "Now come here," he sighed, pulling me into a hug. I felt him press his lips onto my head as I steadied my breath.

"Thanks, Dare. I love you." I pulled away a bit so I could see his face. He gave a small smile.

"And I love you, (y/n)." He placed his soft lips on mine. "Now, let's get some froyo!" He laughed, running out of the room. I giggled at his child-like excitement and followed where he went.

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