Co-Stars // Jon Matteson & Reader

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Hey all! It's been a minute, huh? I took a much-needed break from writing and a little bit from other social media things and stuff. I also turned 19! I am doing a lot better but every day is another day. Thanks for all being so understanding and kind!

Enjoy ! ♥️

! I have a Q for y'all at the end of this part !

"Hey, Jon."

"(Y/n)!" The way he smiled wide as my name left his lips made my heart skip a beat. I smiled warmly back at him. He stood to greet me with a hug. I held him back tightly.

Jon had invited me to get brunch with him before rehearsal. We both thought it would good for us to get to know each other a bit more. We had worked together in the past, but we had never been entirely close. Now that we were going to be playing best friends and love interests he wanted to change that. I had always wanted to spend more time with Jon, but I never had the nerve or reason to initiate that. 

I sat down across from him. I noticed that there were already two mugs of coffee sitting between us.

"I figured that you might want a coffee but if you don't you can ask the waiter for something else when he comes back."

"Coffee is great. Thanks." He nodded in response and lifted his mug to his lips. I added a few sugars and a bit of cream to mine. "I hope you weren't waiting for me for long."

"Not at all!


Tech week seemed to speed towards us like a train. Before I knew it, the show was within reach. Jon and I were together all the time. His fluffy hair and dark-rimmed glasses became a very familiar sight. As well as that lovely grin of his.

"(Y/n)!" I looked up from the rehearsal schedule. Jon sat in the seat next to me. Our usual pre-rehearsal brunch place was busy so I had gotten us two seats at the bar.

"Jon!" I said, mimicking his enthusiasm. He laughed. "What's up?"

"Nothin' much." He leaned his face closer to me to look down at the list in my hands. I tried to hide the way the closeness made heartbeat quicken. "Going over everything?"

"Yeah." I wasn't going to tell him why I was examining the paper so nervously.

"So, we're doing the kiss today." Sometimes it really seemed like he could read my mind.

"Yep." We'd, of course, blocked the scene before, but today was the first day adding our kiss.

"Are you nervous?"

I looked at him curiously. "Why would I be nervous?"

"I don't know."

"Are you nervous?"

"Nope." My eyes narrowed before I just laughed it off. I put away the schedule and instead looked at a menu. Jon's eyes seemed to stay on me though.


We began our walk to the theater. It was midday on a Monday so there weren't many other people around. We kept side by side down the sidewalk.

"Should we practice?" Jon asked.

"Practice what?" I asked even though I could assume what he meant.

"The kiss. I mean, I don't want us to do it for the first time in front of everyone in case it's awkward or something. Like, what if we both lean to the same side and bump noses? I could accidentally miss your mouth or something!"

"Are you really that bad of a kisser?" He rolled his eyes but I saw the corner of his mouth raise.

"We don't have to!"

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