(The dance performance- II)

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(The dance performance- II)

“I am not going to give any extra time. 45 minutes from now, I will be taking your papers.” Mrs.Jaya Sree said in the same firm voice which can bring tension even in Aryabhatta (The man you invented ZERO, a pro in Mathematics) during mathematics exam.

ANSWER ANY FIVE QUESTIONS                        Time: 45 minutes

 I looked at that question paper and felt that each question is going to take 45 minutes and slowly started to solve.

15 minutes passed I am done with one problem and looked at Nisha for 15 times.

“Nisha, can you please get the attendance register from office.” Mrs.Jaya Sree shouted but none of us responded as everyone are at their best pace in solving the math problems.

“Yes teacher” saying she ran and came back after ten minutes.

“Nisha you will be getting another 10 minutes extra so write your exam freely.”   Mrs.Jaya Sree said as I just looked at my watch  and left over time was 20 minutes.

“Teacher, thank you” saying she handing over her paper and walked out.

“Look at her she is done with her exam in 30 minutes, not even 30 its just 20 minutes and you people are still solving, shame on you.” Mrs.Jaya Sree shouted on us as we are still writing the exam even after the final bell rang.

Nisha is a masterpiece, beauty conglomerated with knowledge. She has her own style and kept her smile always. Her words have the fragrance of beautiful jasmine. Her touch was magical, technically it’s 2 years 8 months 12 days I have seen her and 6 months I heard her but my thoughts are reverberating with her. I was recalling my High School stories sleeping on my couch as I was unable to get sleep. I feel like getting locked in school forever. But not alone it’s along with Nisha, I can spend a life full with her locked up in a single room. I slept that night with open eyes and unrelenting thoughts.


“Girls”, hearing this one word brings chill to my nerves in college. I was completely away from them and I dint even dare to talk with even one. My life was simplified after being the class topper in the first Mid-Term.

 Usually to impress anyone your first attempt should be the best and that is what I felt in giving my examinations every time.

We are done with our morning classes and went to attend Engineering work shop lab, where we are often taught to do carpentry, foundry, welding and electrical wiring. Our professor in this lab is quite a lot crazy and he can question you more intensely than Arnab Goswami    (Famous news times Journalist) and proves you wrong every time you feel that you are right. He is reluctant in doing work and when he shouts you will feel the sharpness of his tongue piercing every part of your body. So none of my class mates dare to mess up with him. He uses this word “BABA” quite a lot of times and that is the reason even we usually call him “BABA sir” as none of us are interested to know his original name.

“Aj…” Baba sir shouted while I was cutting a piece of metal which was the work assigned to me in lab.

“What are you doing Baba?” Sir asked looking at this book. While this has made me sweat bullets on my forehead already as I was afraid that he got to notice that I broke 4 hack saw blades in attempt of cutting one metal piece.

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