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                (Lost in thoughts)

I started walking inside the magnificent hall, decorated with the flowers in the entrance. I was confused why I was walking in here alone with a huge crowd of North Indians.

The hall is completely glittering with women wearing a lots of jewellery and kids running all around. One cute little girl with beautiful smile caught my two fingers, as she was unable to get hold of my hand and started pulling towards a group of people who are dancing to traditional Indian tunes (Dandia).

“AJ…!!!” I heard someone shouting my name. I looked back and I was surprised to see my full class. I met everyone and was really happy. But I was still surprised, what and how did we meet here?

  Suddenly there was a huge cacophony followed by claps, I looked back and very sight made me fell in love, the same love which made me do somersaults while I was in school. I was trying to get a glance of her face but it was covered with her saree. I could see glittering bangles covering her  red mehandhi hand, her neck with chokers and torcs, her hair with hair hanglets and her forehead with head jewellery, her upper arms with beautiful armlets and cuff links while she moved close to me I could see her belly chain becoming a bit heavy for her waist and I her legs filled with mehandhi and beautiful anklets curved to fit her legs.

          She went on to the stage while I was still in the magic and sat down beside a guy, she slowly took of her saree which covering her face. I was startled to see , its Nisha…, What is she doing here? I looked beside  and asked John who was sitting beside me.

“What is this going on ?”

“Its Nisha’s wedding bro..” he said and continued to see on to the stage.

“I was speechless, my upper jaw and lower jaw of teeth started to beat heavily and I could feel the extreme chill on my spine.  (In India according to Hindu rituals dead bodies are burnt unlike burying like them  in western countries. Dead body will be mounted on pieces of wood and burnt, during this process the body catches fire, after some time due to unequal expansion on contraction of skin the dead body raises up , then the burial ground keeper hits the body with the stick on the stomach so that the vertebrate breaks and the body falls down in fire again.) This was the pain I was experiencing an un comparable pain which killing me from inside. I was unable to look at the stage, but I want to see Nisha, I want to look into her eyes, I want to see whether she is happy.

          I made all the courage to look into her eyes but she dint raise her head I started counting number from 9 to 0, and suddenly she raised her head and saw me. Our eyes hugged each other, she want to speak with me and I do want the same, but its all over now. I could see a tear dropping from her eye cutting down the Kohl and turning black. It was like someone piercing a needle in my eye, I looked around again and everyone are happy but I was not, I sighted Nisha’s parents and brother , they are even more happy. I can’t spoil their happiness, I started to walk out of the hall and dint dare to look into Nisha’s eyes. I was walking on the road, and I guess even the Nature sensed my grief, as it started to pour down heavily. I wanted to cry, shout aloud but something was struck in my vocal chord . I was unable to talk anything and I bursted out into tears all of a sudden. I cried with my heart out completely, I could feel the pain in my brain which made me fall on ground. I was on my knees and my eyes are almost out with tears, I was unable to digest this pain and started to cry even more which made me vomit.

NISHA……..NISHA…… I shouted and got up from bed and I could see the sweat covering my forehead and arms.

Scientifically a dream lasts only for 5 minutes, and this 5 minutes killed me a 5 million times. I could feel the tears in my eyes. Its been one months since I spoke with anyone in my house, the agony which was caused by my parents to forget Nisha, made me do that. I was not in touch with Nisha from past one month and every day I had the same nightmare, I know I was dieng slowly in her thoughts.

“Tring Tring…!!” Phone rang

Usually I never lift phone calls in my home as my parents rejected me doing that during exams.  But that day , I guess they moved to temple early in the morning.

I took the phone call.


“AJ… finally, we tried to get you on phone but you never liked to talk with us. We have been missing you bro.”

I dint utter a word. Its been almost a month that I spoke with any of my friends.

“Bro , its our results today, I am coming to see you, get ready..!! “

“Ok John”

“ woooo , atlast ..!! I am coming bye…!!”

High school sweethearts... (#Wattys2017)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora