Review by Highschoolsweetheartians.

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High School Sweet Hearts

(Review by readers)


So here is my review...As the book is not completed yet,I might be adding a few things later on...But for now,here you go:

High School Sweetheart is a really touching and emotional story.Sometimes you will be happy and smile and sometimes you will be sad and feel like crying.High School Sweethearts will show you that love does not depend on age,it just happens.It will tell you that even if you are not in touch with the person you love,and even if you don't speak for years,if your love is true,it will succeed eventually.And above all,it will tell you that not only girls are soooo crazy in love,even guys know how to love unconditionally!I really wanna wish AJ and his girl  the best in life!:)


Ok, first off, I just want to say if u still didn’t read this book .......I don’t even want to finish the sentence.

The hssh was…………..different. I know you were not expecting this word but this is how I will describe it.

AJ……………………… the kind of person you can always see( if you are an Indian that too a south Indian) . a mother who warns him not to talk to girls, a sister who is concerned about him ……………..

He is the boy trying to keep his relationship a secret and at the same time trying to make it work .The typical Indian love struck teen.

Your Girl……………is the perfect Indian girl. Woks hard, tries to keep her parents happy, sacrificial and everything which defines a perfect Indian girl (as the older generations have termed it)

Many may be wondering Why is the story different?

It’s a story close to reality ( that is what happens in India). Its is not a girl meets boy…….boy meets girl ……….they fall in love and happily ever after kind of Disney story .

It is practical and this is what makes this book unique.

Finally I would rate this book with 41/2 stars.

This ia a very good work AJ.


I always want to read a book like this. In the sense based on a true story. I have never read a hardbook except 2 states written by Chetan Bhagat and always thought that how cool it would be if I can read stories like this. It feels good to know about someone's life and moments, good or bad through the whole story. Its hard to express their life to someone and share feelings. As in I'm afraid of sharing anything about my life. But you did a great job. And I know you felt good sharing this too. When I first started reading your book, I knew it will be amazing and I even want an Indian movie to be made on it. That would be so cool. okay I'll stop babbling or u'll thnk I'm crazy. Good luck.


your story is truly amazing...its a story everyone can connect with....and believe me, there are many who undergo the same experience like i think you did complete justice to your story..... :)))...keep updating....will be waiting for the sequel... :)))


Actually I had a bad opinion on love and people who love…. but after I started reading this book I felt the softness of love. I am very thankful to you for saving my pockets. Love  *-*…

@Bluegalaxy2000 Hssh is a really good book as there is not only there love story but their school life as well...everything is well written and is great as you can actually imagine it happening in your has great grammar compared to some other books I’ve read....and if you're looking for an Indian love story...this is it...I would recommend you read it!!! And again thanks for the 2 dedications!!! ♡ greatly appreciated! ♥


// After reading Chapter 41 (Lost in thoughts)

like m being mean by asking u to update.. And d last chapter I cried d way u wrote..I was lyk it cnt hpn...den d climax was


“It’s awesome superb as I have also enjoyed my high school lyf as much as u have I loved it. It’s totally awesome.”


“Just downloaded wattpad  two days ago and I read your book in one night. :)”


“This has got to be one of my favorite stories on Wattpad . I really loved it and this has to be one of the best love stories ever!believe me, after reading this , i really wanted to fall in love. As funny as it sounds , it's really true hehhe XD “

        Thanks for all your love and affection. I am indeed overwhelmed with your sweet reviews. As this HssH is a part of everyone’s school life I am glad that it reached everyone. Though I initially felt it to be confined only to India but very grateful that it reached many readers worldwide. And I thank all my readers from the bottom of my heart for all their un conditional love .

High school sweethearts... (#Wattys2017)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora