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  (The Last Letter)

“I am really sorry for calling you so many times, but I am helpless. I feel like killing myself a hundred times. I truly can’t bare this pain, pain of getting departed from you, pain of not seeing you, pain of not looking into your eyes and holding your hand. I just can’t bare this loneliness. You have been part of my life at every point of time when I needed you, but now, in this prodigious pain, why are you not with me?”

“You said me that you will be with me always? But you are not with me now. I am going completely insane in your thoughts. Once you made me feel that you are my world, but now I feel that you left me in that world and walked away.”

“I remember every day right from the day when we walked hand in hand all the way in Zaheerabad till the day you held my face in your hands and said I LOVE YOU…

 “AJ…Once I felt you are a part of my life but I was wrong and I go to know it when I am missing you, and I can truly say that You are my life.”

 “My desperation to see you was going par my control. I am truly sorry for calling your telephone so many times, it was out of my control.”

“Lastly I know this a way before that this long distance relations are not going to work. I think it came to an end now. I think it’s time for us to depart and find our own dream. Yes its true that you are my “DREAM” but now you vanished the same way like a dream. You made all my days till now, you wiped all my childhood right from L.K.G till 8th and built a whole big monument of unconditional love. I was glad that I am the princess in your palace, but you walked away leaving me alone in this hell. And thanks for everything AJ till now you filled my life with happiness and I never ever regret for loving you. I am blessed to meet you and be with you AJ. Never forget me AJ sweetheart, now don’t cry like kid, I alone know you shed a lot of tears and that too only for me.”

“I love You Sweetheart”


I was stubborn, I never shed tears in front of anyone but today I couldn’t, the blue ink on the letters is wet and blurred. I dint know it either my tears on letter or in my eyes made them looked blurred.

Din tapped on my shoulder asking me its time for exam. I was still in the Trans but have to leave for exam.

My girl called me literally 80 times in a day and whole my family now is clear that it’s my girl, John handed over me this last letter.

And what do you say? Is it Miscommunication between us? Or it need to end. Why does my girl call so many times in a day? I walked along with Din to exam hall.

High school sweethearts... (#Wattys2017)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu