That One Year- Reprise Nisha

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Chapter -52

(That one year- Reprise Nisha’s Pov)


// what happened in Nisha’s life for this 1 year? Does she have someone in her life?  Why did she call Aj and doubt him? To put an end to all these questions here’s Nisha’s Pov. //

“I started applying a light foundation cream, a little eyeliner, as my hands are already drowned with a lot of bangles, a light pink lipstick, hair tied in a single plat and filled with fresh jasmine flowers. I admired my jewelry as my dad gave me the best as always. Though my ear rings are a bit heavy still I loved them the most. Dressed up in a red half saree with heavy work and an exquisite belly chain added an extra beauty. I loved walking all around as the sound made by my anklets is quite unique which can bring chill to anyone.”

“Aj you would love seeing me this way. It’s since 8 months after our 10th class results I never called you again and neither I have  seen you anywhere around. I kept reading the slam which you have written repeatedly may be 1000 times till now. I kept reading that one line "I love you, because entire the universe conspired to find you and never want to leave you" repeatedly.

But I left you Aj, yes!! its true that I left you. Because if we were together I may bring up even more problems in your life. But how can I forget you? You made me fell in that beautiful ocean of love, a divine paradise were you made me your princess. I don’t know what happened with me in my schooling except those two years of High school. You turned my High school life to be the most memorable, which I can cherish till I die.

Yes!! My father gave me an option to choose whichever college I like, but I choose to stay away from you as I can neither see you talking with other girls nor being with me again. I called Nan 3 months back, I heard that you are in good touch with other girls. I am not thinking anything bad of you Aj but may be this is the reason I dint join the same college. But truly Aj I am feeling very dull today, though I am dressed up the best way which you always liked to see me but as you are not hear to praise me the most beautiful way which anyone can do. I am feeling very low.” I was saying this to myself looking into mirror while eyes are completely filled with tears.

“Nishaaa!! How long will you take? Get up girl.” Sushma started shouting.

“Ya!!! give me 1 minute, I am almost done.” I said without turning my head and controlling my tears as they will spoil the kohl on my eyes .

Sushma is that one good friend whom I found in this college. Her frequency exactly fits with mine and we usually hang out together as she stays just beside my home. I never had a complaint with her and she filled that emptiness in my life.

“Come on Nisha… They have announced your name.” Sushma shouted again.

I hugged sushma and at once ran on to the stage with all my co dancers already waiting for me. As the stage was all dark and curtains were down it was pretty tough for me to find my place but at last found it with the help of Sushma pointing a torch, showing me the central position on stage. I sat down on my toes like others and curtains raised slowly with pleasant music and song started.

“Barso re megha megha Barso re megha megha, barso re megha barso

 Mitha hai kosa hai, barish kaa bosa hai

 Kosa hai, kosa hai, barish kaa bosa hai”

A huge cheer followed after this, and none of us where able to hear the lyrics of the song but we still performed the same way.

Now the speakers are turned to the maximum volume and we are able to hear the song to some extent.

I unleashed myself completely and was overwhelmed to see such a huge response . I danced with my face blooming and can hear my name being shouted in rhythm by few guys. (Nisha..Nisha…Nisha…!!!)

“Kalee kalee rate kalee rato me, yeh badarva baras jayega

Galee galee mujhko megha dhundega, aur garaj ke palat jayega”

  I at once stopped dancing while the song was still on.

  “Ghar aangan angana aur panee kaa jharna Bhul naa jana mujhe puchenge sab varna”  

I can hear sushma shouting from backstage , “Nisha..Dance..!!”  

But something locked my eyes. I saw Aj standing on one corner of auditorium. My eyes filled with tears. I want to run down to him and hug him. I closed my eyes and this time my tears ran down my cheeks cutting my kohl and I was not worried about my kohl this time.

When I opened my eyes and looked at the corner I dint find Aj. My eyes searched all around but I dint find him anywhere. I see my co dancers waiting for me to join. As I don’t want to spoil the complete performance I joined them but my eyes were looking all around for Aj.”  

Performance was finished and I walked backed while others were thanking for the cheer.  

“What happened Nisha? Why did you stop in between?” Sushma asked me with lots of anxiousness in her eyes.  

“I injured my ankle while I was dancing.”

Saying I parried her question as I don’t want anyone to know about Aj in this college and even my closest friend.

And for the rest of the day I was on phone talking to all my friends  wishing me "get well soon from ankle injury" which I never had.


  “How did my angel perform today ?”

“Papaaaa…..”saying I hugged my dad.

“It was truly awesome and the cheer which we got was uncomparable. I enjoyed a lot. And you missed it Papa.”  

“Tring..Tring..” (Phone ringing)

  “Papa someone is calling.”

  “Yes, I can hear..”

“ Go pick up papa from past 2 hours I was taking calls, please...…”

“ Noooo…..”

“Please pappa”

“Noooooo I cant beta, you said a lie so you have to repent……”

“Okayyy..... I am going…”

  I picked up the call

“Hello…” I said with a dull voice.

“Hello, Hi Nisha…. This is AJ”


I was soo happy hearing him again and first time after 8 monthss I cried out of happiness.                                                           

              To be continued……………….

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