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                                           ( I Love you too ....AJ...)

                               " So do you think she will like it ?" I asked Din showing him a cute gift which has a boy and a girl sitting in cradle in a beautiful garden.  

" I think she will like it ." Din replied. 

"Okay let me checkout if i could  find any nice greeting card " i said ,and got one. I asked the gallery fellow to pack them nicely ,and he did it exactly how I want.

I got early in the morning , I was super excited , it is her first Birthday after I said that  "I Love her. " I was waiting to see my girl in the school . i got myself ready as soon as possible and was heading towards school but unfortunately that day was declared as holiday . I

I was completely disappointed as I was unable to spend that day with my girl.

" They are near Nan's home ,lets go there."John tapped me from behind and said.

We started  walking towards Nan's home which is not even 50 meters away from school,as soon I was reaching there home , I saw my girl . Seeing my girl in school uniform only flatters me completely and now with her new Birthday dress and her hair set loose swept me away , I walked close to her bent to reach her ear, and I could smell the frgrance which made me loose my words, shook my head to come back to normal position and said " Happy Birthday Dear..!! " and gave her what gifts I bought to her.She took them from me and gave a box filled completely with choclates. I was just looking into her eyeswhile she was telling about her dress , bangles ,ear rings and everything. 

" I Love you " I said interrupting her description about herself. I could now see a beautiful smile starting from her eyes and slowly reaching her lips. 

She kept both her hand on my shoulders giving herself a lift to stand on her toes so that she could reach my ears.

I love you too AJ.."she said.

This is the first time I was able to listen the tree magical words from her lips. I could intantly feel the chill on my spine , at that moment i thought to hug her tightly but couldnt even dare to imagine the consequences after it. I was happy seeing everything what is happening and even more happy to see smile on my girls face. She rolled her fingers into mine , getting two hands tightly locked and i bent hy head a bit so that both of our foreheads meet.

                                                Chapter -27        

                                            (The Magic pen ...)   

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