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                                Chapter -28

                           ( The two things…)

“ I was honest in choosing my team, given a chance all the players did there best . I specially want to thank all of the juniors for doing an outstanding work. I would also like to thank all my fellow captains’ for extending their help whenever I needed.

 We excelled in Curricular activities like  Dance competition , Quiz , Essay writing and elocution too, I extend my whole heart thanks to all the students who effectively took part and made us stand in this position.

 I still remember over all championship was a dream for our group from past 4 years, but today it is no more a dream, we made it come real and for a year from now we will be called THE CHAMPIONS  ,though I will leave school this year my promise to my group before being elected is now fulfilled , “WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS “

Whole crowd burst out …!!! With claps and cheers..!!!

“Garnet group is now THE CHAMPIONS GROUP and I hope this will continue the coming years too..!!!” I said standing on the main stage with over 2500 audience in front of me.

“Hip Hip…”

“Hurray…!” Crowd shouted

And Finally I raised the “Shield of Pride “ which was my dream from years, it was a bit heavy but still managed to lift it and whole of the audience in the assembly started to shout

“East or West, Garnet is the Best.. “

“Hip Hip Hurray……”

Proud moment of my life, I wish my girl was beside me at that moment but she is down there in front of stage and cheering me , I could see the real happiness in her eyes.

After an hour full of celebrations , I walked to my class with shield and whole of the class surrounded me congratulating and moreover to touch the shield , I managed to give away the shield and straight away went to my girls desk .

“ Congratulations Captain , you did a great job “ my girl said pushing a dairy milk Chocolate into my mouth.

“ Thank you dear , I was nothing without your support “ I said .

She remained quite for a while .

“AJ now it’s just 3 more months and then we will be separated forever “she said with tears almost rolling down her cheeks.

Wiping her tears on right cheek and I took her face into my hands and said “ It will never happen , believe me ..”

//Next Day //

                                 “ It is a competitive world and getting good grades is not at all enough , getting highest grade is what matters, Our school never tried this in 26 years of its career and today we decided to do so, we are taking out top 3 people from each class and putting them in another section where they will be provided special attention and now I will read out those three names,” Mrs.Alice said and I was half dead already.

I know my girls name will be number 1 and second was sindhuja’s and 3 rd was Amisha’s ..!!

I saw my girl with her eyes filled with tears ,she looked at me . I just smiled but indeed I was crying more than her not that I will be in the toppers class but I will be away from her for last 3 months of our beautiful schooling .

                                                                Chapter -29

                                                             ( New class…)


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