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(  Tring...Tring....Hello!! )

" Hello!!" " there. ?" My girl  whispered slowly.

" Give me 2 minutes " I whispered back slowly.

            "Ok dad !! you people come back soon ."  I shouted when my mommy and daddy are out for a morning walk and my sister already left for college.

" Hey dear, I am soo sorry , I made you wait !" I said holding telephone receiver very close to my mouth.

" Hehehe I guess your pretty close to your receiver, stay clam AJ" she giggled.

I just smiled and said " Ok .!! What did you  this two days? "

"I just missed you AJ..."she said with a low voice.

" Please dont be so sad , I also missed you" I said with an even low voice.

" Hahahaha....I am not sad , my dad came suddenly" she shouted and started laughing again.

"I guess I am wasting all my emotions." I said with a smirk on my face.

" poor AJ , I missed you very badly." she said with a cute voice.

" I missed you too..."

" Its 5 days from now we will be having exams and its becoming very tough to call you as some or the other will be around you." she said with a sad voice.

" It's not like that!! You can call me mornings" I said and heard a knock on my door.

" AJ....!!!" my mom shouted standing outside.

“Ok!!Bye dear ,my mom is on door."

"Love you and miss you a lot.."

" Its okaieee AJ...!!! " My girl said.

" what okaieee? "

"AJ..... where are you? Did you sleep again?" My mom now shouted peeping through my bedroom window.

"My mom is shouting ..!!!! Please smile now..!"

" You go then AJ ..., I will call you whenever I miss you and I love you more than you... " she smiled and said.

" Love you till infinity ...Ok ok Bye my mom is calling ..." I said.

" love you till infinity plus 1 and Byeeee...." she said laughing.

I hanged the phone and ran to the door and had to bare the little interrogation for some time.

Landline telephone is the only phone available then and I need to do all the adventures to talk with my girl. As my mom always thinks that girls can create mess in my life and I get easily deceived by them she never allows me to talk with girls.

I just opened my book and was having a glance our Phsics lessons and heard my phone ringing. I ran towards telephone so quickly that even Usain Bolt would definitely lose if we had a race at that moment.

" Hello Aj..." My girl called and giggled.

" Hey... John . Did you start prepartion.?" I said while my mom was having an eye on me ftom kitchen.

" What John? who John? Is your mom beside you... Hehehe.!!!" she said and was laughing so loudly that even when I kept receiver one feet away from my ear I can still hear.

" I just opened Physics book, what did yiu start?" I still continued to show my acting skill and she was laughing to the most possible extent she can.

" You opened Physics book? close it then " and she laughed again.

" okay , I will not tease you anymore but I love you AJ”

“Okay bro..!! I will read that lesson , I felt it very important.” I said hiding the blush on my face.

“Who bro ? I said “I love you” . Tell me that you love me too” she said smiling all the way.

“Ya I too…!!” I said blushing to the maximum extent and my mom is now completely perplexed by my behaviour.

“What I _____too ? I am not playing Filling in the blanks game say I love You too…”

“Its since15 minutes you were on phone” my mom shouted

“Okay I love you too.. and don’t call like this if someone lifts call we are over, Bye….!!” I said and hanged up the phone quickly.

                   I just loved those 3 days from then. MY girl called me daily and I did the same. I loved and lived every moment. I dint miss her even a single minute and most of all I would like to thank Mr. Alexander Graham bell for his invention which made 2 people stay connected always.


“Tring Tring …..!!” (Phone ringing.)

I just confirmed that my people left for walk and ran towards phone.

“Hello madam…” I said

“Beep..Beep….” Phone sound.

I was waiting for her call . I thought to call her but she said not to call when she suddenly hang up the phone or in any other such case.My parents returned back from morning walk but I dint any call.

“Tring…Tring..” Phone ringing.

I ran quickly but as my father was very close to phone he lifted.

“Hello…!!!” who is this?” My father asked. But there was no reply.

 “May be some wrong call.”My father said and hanged up the phone.

And the same repeated with my mom thrice. And she now seriously started to doubt me as I am the only notorious fellow left and she do know some of my crazy stories in school.

“Tring Tring…” (Phone ringing)

This time I some how managed to grab the phone .

“Hello..!!” I said

“Hello …Who’s this” I asked again.

A long silence and I can hear “All the best” in low voice.

“Hello….” What happened?” I was asking and I could hear the beep sound again.

In a time span of 3 hours I received almost 23 blank calls and my mom face turned all red with all the intervention of my sis , who managed to book me in all the possible ways.

In order to prevent further blank calls I kept the receiver away, and was deeply filled with thoughts why was my girl calling so many times.

I kept the phone receiver back when my people went out for some shopping.

“Tring..Tring…”Phone ringing.

I went with all the anxiousness in my heart and took the call.

“Hey AJ Sweetheart All the best for your exam and sorry I could not call you from morning as my phone was dead…!!”

“Phone line was dead?”


(Painful Exams…)

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