Chap 59

250 19 36

Fun fact: only 1 more chapter left before this book is finished!

Fun Fact number 2: shoutout to ShadeDolphin101 she is amazing, also Its_Scarlet_Rose for her amazing Slam Dunk (Percabeth fanfic) book! Boo-yoo-ti-ful!

Annabeth's pov:

The rain fell heavily across me. I had decided to walk for a while, yet the sudden change of weather was starting to question my choices.

Suddenly, a branch from a tree snapped, causing me to fumble and slip on the wet ground. I cursed loudly, getting back up by holding on the tree firmly. That didn't work for me though, for I fell right where I previously did.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I screamed at the tree, everything was starting to get to me, and it was making me feel even more deranged than I should be.

Rustling in the leaves brought me back to reality, and I swiftly turned my head towards the sound.

"Who's there?" I shouted, holding the snapped branch as a form of defence. "I have a weapon and I'm not afraid to use it!"

A boy too secluded in the darkness to be recognised, came out from the bushes. He had his hands out as if I was carrying a gun.

"Woah there, Annabeth. It's just me." The boy said.

My eyes adjusted to the added darkness, and I tilted my head to the side in confusion. "Nico?" I asked.

He smiled hesitantly. "The one and only."

I dropped my tree branch (I'll call him Kev) and walked over to Nico. He had on a dark black overcoat, engulfing him in even more darkness.

"What are you doing out at this time?" I asked Nico. Nico was a few years younger than me, but due to unknown reasons he had managed to get into the older classes. I didn't question it though, our school had always been abnormal.

Nico shrugged. "I needed to think, the night let's me do that." He nodded towards me. "What about you?"

"Oh me?" I laughed nervously. "I needed to walk outside, same as you."

Nico glanced at me skeptically. "Your red face and massive bag says otherwise. Want to walk back to Piper's house and we could all chat?"

I winced. "I'd rather not, we had a fight."

Nico nodded. "Thought so. So you're going to make it up with her?"

I shook my head. "No, I got kicked out. I can't just waltz myself back in there and say 'I'm sorry' like it was no big deal."

Nico turned towards me, a slight look of sorrow on his face. "Well I can't help you there, I'm not very good at friend advice, I like to keep to myself."

I nodded, not sure of what to say. The occasional sounds of shouting and cars flowing down the streets alerted me that I was in fact, walking across the streets of New York practically homeless.

To be honest, it scared me. It scared me that I was able to make someone hate me so much that I would be isolated from them. It scared me so much that people could turn on me so easily due to a girl they had barely known.

Sure, New York at night was not the best, but the thoughts that had submerged in my head terrified me.

"You have any place to stay tonight?" Nico asked nervously.

I nodded my head. "Yeah," I lied. "Piper wouldn't kick me out if I didn't have a place to stay."

Oh yes she would.

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