Chap 21

341 19 61

Annabeth's pov:

"Luke?" That boy seemed to be everywhere, yet I didn't know if that amused me or just made me even more annoyed.

Giving me a nod, he too looked at the timid ocean. "Where are your friends?"

"They're out in the house, had a little argument, so I came here to forget about it."

Luke gratefully didn't say anything else. "Since you're here already, do you want to go now?"

I smiled at his question, eager to leave the house.

"Yeah, let me just get ready." I patted my jeans, wiping off any sand that was there.

"Ready? You look fine to me." I found myself blushing at that bit, but I quickly turned around and waved my hand at him.

Blushing?! I never blush, unless it's something that is really embarassing, or I have a crus-

No, I do not have a crush on a boy I had just met a day ago. A boy who, apparently breaks people's hearts.

I opened the door of the house, as quietly and as slow as I could. Unfortunately, everyone was sitting on the couch, so once they heard the door open they all turned around.

I just ignored their piercing stares and went off to the room, picking up my wallet and getting the hell put of there.

However, before I could open the door Thalia started to speak.

Oh boy.

"Annabeth, I know you might not forgive me, but I just want to say I'm sorry. I was too harsh an-"

"I forgive you, and I'm sorry too." I breathed out.

Thalia seemed shocked at my sudden apology. Ignoring that, I let out my hand for her to shake.


Thalia shook my hand. "Always." She then gave me a bone crushing hug.

"Woah, woah woah, did Thalia just HUG someone?" Leo asked, his hands on his face.

"Get over it, Leo." Thalia then punched his arm lightly.

"Ok then, but Annabeth are you going to come with us? We're going to the restaurant downtown." Piper asked me, she looked so hopeful.

"I don't know." I looked down, all my friends were telling me Luke was bad.

Now he asked me to go somewhere with him, and I just met him yesterday.

Suspicious much?

Realising what I came here to do, I went back to the beach to find a very patient Luke waiting there.

"I'm sorry, I really am, but I can't go. My mom called and she wants me to go do something." I lied, looking down so he couldn't see the anguish in my eyes.

"Really Annabeth?" He seemed more angry than usual, but then brushed it off. "It's okay then, but we'll see each other at school right?"

I nodded and left him standing there, it felt too awkward to lie to him and see him buy it.

As soon as I stepped in, everyone looked at me confused.

"I thought you were going with Luke and his friends somewhere?" Percy asked me, a frown on his usual smiley face.

"I changed my mind, I'd rather spend the morning with my friends, then some random guy I met a day ago." I told them, feeling a bit guilty for what I just said.

"Whoop! Whoop! Now there's the Annabeth we all know and love!" Leo shouted, dancing across the living room.

I rolled my eyes, but in my mind, I felt touched that they cared, and miserable that it was Leo, the boy who I had caused to lose his family.

Before my emotions started to show on my face, I quickly changed the topic.

"So where are we going to eat?" I asked everyone.

Piper quickly replied. "In some restaurant called Breakfast & Brunch."

That sounds nice, I thought.

"Then what are we waiting for?" They all looked at me. "C'mon, I'm hungry, let's go."

Piper and Hazel linked arms with me and we all walked out of the house.

Not at the same time because we'll all get trapped an-

I'll just carry on.

We tried to link arms with Thalia but that lead to Hazel having a bruise on her arm. I turned around to the girl, who was busy kicking the sand off her shoes.

Yesterday, I would think that I'd never get into a fight with Thalia, and even if we did it would be something petty and small, like who is better: Iron Man or Captain America.

(A/N huge marvel fan, I just had to put it there)

%%_ Rjdjjende line break fjejeje _%%

I patted my stomach, for what seemed like the millionth time.

Those potato waffles and sausages were amazing, and a good price too, not too expensive, but not bad quality.

We were all talking about school, and how none of us were going to have enough sleep the night before.

Somehow, our conversation went from sleep and school to who do we ship. Instantly, my stomach dropped, Gods why was this topic so sensitive to me?

"So who do we ship Thalia with?" Leo asked, whilst wiggling his eyebrows.

She rolled her eyes. "I love no one. Scratch that, I love myself, but unfortunately you can't marry your own self. So food it is!"

We laughed at her comment, and then they moved on to another person.

"What about Annabeth?" Jason asked, whilst smirking at me.

"I don't like anyone." I instantly lied, making everyone elses faces drop.

"You must like someone!" Piper told me, seriously that girl's answer to everything was love!

"Nope." I replied, popping the 'p'.

"You're so weird." Piper muttered, but  loud enough for me to hear. I playfully glared at her, and she stuck out her tongue.

"Ok, I need to go to the toilet." I told everyone, whilst entangling myself from the group. Getting out of diner tables in the corner are so hard!

I quickly did my business, and came out of the toilet in record time. It stank of cheap perfume in there.

Unfortunately, I chose that time to look around at everyone eating here. I mean, this was a very popular place.

Not expecting anyone to be here, I turned once again and looked around.
On the left side of the corner, sat someone I definitely didn't want to see.

Oh Gods, you must be shitting me.

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