Chap 34

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"It's-it's about Luke." Those three words came crashing down on me as fast as they came.

"Yeah? What about him, di-did he get hurt?" I asked, though I probably knew what Percy was going to tell me.

"I found him, talking to someone." He took a deep breath, and carried on. "He was talking to KRONOS, I heard him, talking about who was on their hit list."

"Annabeth, I'm sorry to say this, but I think Luke is part of the Titans." Percy finished, looking at me in concern.

No, I didn't break down, I did something much worse.

"I knew it, he wasn't the same after Hermes came over once." I pounded my fist on the bed, causing a small crease.

"You're not mad at me, or the rest of us?" Percy asked.

I look at him shocked. "Why would I ever be mad at you guys? I was the dumb one for not listening."

Percy then mirrored my face. "What do we do?"

"First, we tell the others. Then, we call the po-, no, then I speak to him."

"We should call the police." Percy urged.

I shook my head. "I know Luke, I can make him change, he'll become normal again."

Normal AGAIN. I don't think he was ever normal.

You can't change someone into something they never were.

"I got something!" Percy raised his hand in the air. "We befriend Luke, make him see what's good, so he'll never go back."

I nodded my head, and smiled. "Sometimes I wonder if you pretend to be dumb."

"Sometimes I wonder if you pretend to be smar-, oh wait no, that's not how it works." He smiled sheepishly.

We came out of the house, and headed off back into the hospital, to tell our friends about Luke.


"So you're saying Luke is helping Kronos?" Leo asked.

I nodded my head.

"We're talking about the same Kronos here right? The one who kills hundreds of people, number one on the wanted list-"

"Shut up Leo, now is not the time to crack jokes." Piper told him, giving him a light smack on the head.

Thalia had remained quiet, but she was giving me a death stare.

"I told you! I told you something wrong was with Luke, yet you chose to ignore me!" Thalia shouted, pointing at my shocked face.

I was having enough of my arguments with her.

"Well done, you're correct, the guy who I cared for and loved like a brother is now a maniac who wants to kill us all. What do you want now, a fu**ing trophy?!" I was screaming now.

Thalia had gone quiet now, the others looking at me shocked.

"We need to call the police right away." Jason said, but I quickly intercepted.

"Then what? The police have never caught them before, you think they can do it now?" I questioned, still a bit angry from what Thalia had said.

"All I'm saying is that we could get in big trouble if Luke finds out." Jason said, looking at me pointedly.

"Yeah, because I'm stupid enough to go to Luke and state all his secrets." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Guys, there is no use in arguing, let's just find a way to stop him." Percy looked annoyed now.

"What, we're just a bunch of people, with problems that can't be fixed. How are we meant to stop the most biggest criminal in the whole of America, huh?" Thalia asked, choosing to ignore me.

"Yeah but, we have important parents." Frank urged.

"Correction, you guys do." I sighed, trying to wipe out the memories of my deceased mother.

There was an uncomfortable silence after that, and then crap started to happen.

"What if Luke finds out?"

"Oh Annie, I don't think you should be sprouting lies."

Oh Gods.

We all whipped our heads, to find Luke pointing at us with a gun.

"Hospital should really maximise their security." He said, also sneering.

I gave him a hard glare. "Luke if you're going to kill us, at least make it quick."

He came closer to me, then touched his hand on my cheek. "You weren't supposed to know, none of you were supposed to know."

"What're you going to do with us?" Hazel asked, her eyes widened in fear.

"I already know what's going to happen to America in a couple of months, maybe a year and I don't need to kill any of you guys since you aren't in my way."

My heart stopped pumping so loud.

"But if you dare tell the police, or anyone other than the people in the room, I will not hesitate to kill you, or your loved ones." He started to laugh, sending shivers down my body.

As quick as he came, he left, swiftly putting his gun in a small bag, and leaving us all distraught.

"Well, we heard him! Let's just carry on with our old lives and not do a thing about this." A very scared Leo told us, but I firmly shook my head.

"If we don't try and help, people will die. Luke said in a couple of months something will happen to this country, and I will not wait for that to happen."

Percy nodded. "Annabeth's right, if the bloody police can't do their job, then someone has to."

I noticed Thalia had remained quiet. "What's wrong?"

She looked at me, then back at the floor. "Someone is going to die if we do this. We're all friends, and someone is going to die!"

I gave her a tight hug. "Hey hey, if someone is going to die, then that is just fate. And anyway, this is my fault that we're in this problem, so if there is a sacrifice. It has to be me."

Everyone looked at me in shock. "Correction Annabeth. No one is dying, okay? Not you, not Thalia, not anyone, alright?" Percy looked determined, for once his smirk was wiped off his face.

I reluctantly nodded, but in my mind I was screaming 'NO'.

Because I know that a sacrifice will have to be made, that's what always happens.

And if someone has to take that chance,

Then, I, Annabeth Chase, will take it.

PJO/HOO Fanfiction- Behind Closed DoorsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora