Chap 5

549 31 51

Annabeth's pov:

Okay, okay.

I know a couple of things thats a secret of theirs.

Hazel likes Frank, but has a veeery small crush on Leo, and was bullied in school. Piper has a criminal record, and Thalia and Jason's mom died because of drunk driving. Also Frank's mom died in a war.

Yeah, I know it's pretty lame from what they did to me, but it's better than just standing around and watching them laugh at you.

I revised this plan over in my head, like a thousand times. But something felt off.

Oh right, my biggest enemy ever ... Percy Jackson.

Nico has a dead sister. (I have my sources), oh and Leo did ... Leo caused a fire that killed his mom.

A bit touchy, since I have experience of that, but it's worth it.

Alas, I couldn't find anything on Jason, but I'll do it when the time comes.

I didn't know anything about Percy either, but I'm going to investigate.

When, you might say?

Oh, I'm doing it right now.

Looking through everyone's instagram, I found out that Percy didn't talk about his past life.

Once checking again and again, I also noticed that Percy only showed him with his mom, no dad.

Realising that I also never talk about my step-mom on social media, I did something very drastic.

I wrote on the Internet, 'Percy Jackson'.

Nervously pressing search, there were numerous headlines from years ago stating that Percy had been abused by his step-dad Gabe Ugliano, and was sent to prison due to nearly killing him.

I knew his weakness, and although I'm being abused as well, and although thinking back to it I realise that this was so freaking evil, this is what they deserved.

What's the worst thing anyone has ever called me? Helen's daughter. I had become distraught for days, after realising I was compared to that she-devil.

Well then, hello Percy Ugliano.

It is what they deserved, right?

$&#*×&÷*÷ line break $&#&÷*×÷*÷

I came to school early, to watch the whole event commence.

Because the night before, I had created a social media page that the whole school could read.

And it had EVERYTHING in there, about the other's secrets.

I didn't put Percys there though, I had something special for that boy.

Class had started, and I was sitting in my assigned seat, far off from the others.

I was reading my favourite book series, The Hunger Games, when the door slammed open.

Percy, Jason, Frank, Leo and Thalia came running at me.

I looked both shocked and amused, payback really does feel nice.

Thalia started screaming at me.
"Hazel and Piper are crying in the bathrooms, and everyone is laughing at us!!"

I just shrugged and rolled my eyes.

"Listen, you messed with the wrong person. This is just the consequences!"  I shot back, arms crossed and a smug smile.

Thalia looked ready to fight me, when the teacher came in.

Mr. McPartlin started muttering about 'kids these days'.

I sat back down, and got my history notebook out, scribbling away at the board.

I love writing notes.

Anyway, Piper and Hazel both came in, faces red and tear-blotched.

I felt a bit guilty, but I just carried on writing, ignoring the fact that all of them were glaring at me.

Well, the tables are now turned.

The bell then rang, startling me and I quickly got out of the class, someones foot trying to trip me.

I just stepped on it, haha.

I knew the rest of them would want to follow me, so I quickened the pace to the lunch room, finding a seat in the far back.

I did NOT want to get noticed.

That wasn't a problem for me though, because everyone was stealing glances at the 8.

Dang it, forgot Rachel!

I'll just put her on the waiting list with Jason.

Right when I thought I could sit back and finally finish reading my favourite books, guess who comes in.

Percy sat down, so did Leo, so did Jason.

The fudge?

I looked on at them, wondering what the heck they were doing.

"You know Annabeth, you better watch your back. We're the only ones stopping Thalia from killing you. You should be thankful!" Percy said, glaring at me with the purest hate.

"I'm not scared of Thalia, and anyway you got what you deserved. Now you and your henchmen can go away." I casually said, flipping a page of my book for added effect.

Then Nico came, angry and ashamed.
"You  destroyed my life, it wasn't my fault she died. IT WASN'T!!" Nico screamed, people sitting down looking at us weirdly.

"Listen, I came here to read, not to get interrogated!"

And then a pair of hands started to choke my already pained neck.

F you Thalia.

People started chanting,
"Fight, fight, fight, fight!" With their fists in the air.

I just clamped my hands around my neck, and tried to pry her arms off me.

Were they seriously just stalling so that Thalia could choke me?

That is so low.

I could feel the air running out of my lungs, and the taste of blood in my mouth.

I had to think of something. Fast.

Realising I had legs, I kicked Thalia as hard as I could.

She then groaned in pain, while Percy, Jason, Leo and Nico screamed at me.

So they get a deranged mad girl to choke me, but when I kick her they act like I killed her.


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