Chap 33

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You know what that means?!?!?


Darkness, that's all I could see right now. I could hear the screams of some people, but that's it.

Nothing else,

Just darkness.

Using my last bit of strength, I tried to open my eyes. After around 5 minutes of nothing, a small slit of light appeared, and I knew my eyelids were starting to open.

A few minutes after, I could see, but oh how I wish I remained blind.

In front of me was the street my friends were in, but now, all hell had broken loose. The shop to the right was encased with fire, glass on the floor, and all my friends were laying down.

Not dead, but unconscious.

I quickly went to Percy, his face smothered in soot. I shook him a bit, and he managed to wake up, nearly killing me in the process.

"Who the hell are you?!" He shouted, swinging his fist next to my face.

*cough* *cough* infinity war reference *cough* cough*

I swiftly ducked, then gave him a reassuring look.

"It's just me Percy, just me." I whispered, after I told him that he gave me a small kiss and a hug.

"Oh Gods, what happened?" He asked me, hoisting himself up so he was standing.

I stood up as well, grabbing his hand. "I really don't know, but let's go wake up the others okay?"

He nodded and went off to Frank.

20 minutes later, they were all awake and confused.

"It must have been The Titans." Thalia said, looking at the floor in disgust.

The police had already come, so did the ambulance, and we were now in the hospital getting all of our cuts bandaged and cleaned.

"Do you guys think we should call Leo?" Piper asked.

I shook my head. "He already has too much to handle, telling him this might just break him."

Jason looked at me in shock. "You might be right, but this is already on the headlines. Leo's going to find out no matter what."

"Let's not dwell on this any further okay? They weren't just trying to target us, just a random attack, right?" Hazel asked, but I could hear the amount of doubt on her voice.

We all wearily shook our heads, then Percy managed to break the tension. "Gods, I've always wanted to be on national television,but not like this."

We all shakily laughed, and then a nurse came in, telling us that the police had arrived and wanted to ask us questions.

They all looked at me. "Um, why me?" I pointed at myself.

"You're great with words, and you can steer them off." Thalia said, to be honest, I would think that too about myself.

"Ok then, well bye guys, and don't eat all the food, at least save me some." I pointed at Jason, Frank and Percy.

They all looked at me innocently, as if saying, 'who, us?".

I rolled my eyes and left the room, following the nurse to a police man near the exit door of the hospital.

"Hello, I'm Officer. Davis, and I was wondering if you would like to answer a few of our questions." He asked me, but I knew he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Ok then. Question number 1, did you hear any voices, apart from your friends, when the explosion first started." He asked, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

I shook my head. "Only screams, and even then I couldn't identify them."

"Okay. So you saw nothing at all, other than your friends?" He urged.

I shook my head, and then he sighed in frustration. "Ok, that's all, but if you do have something to say, now would be the right time to do so."

I shook my head, and left the unaswered police, walking back quite fast to get to my friends.

Opening the door, I saw a nurse tending to Thalia's leg, when a chunk of debris from one of the shops fell on her.

"Annabeth dear, your family is aware of what happened. Due to you not having any injuries, you fortunately can go." She told me whilst wiping blood off of Thalia's face.

"Ok then." I put down a note to tell my friends of my whereabouts. "Bye."

The nurse sent me a small wave, and I left to go home, not before calling Luke first. He picked up after 3 rings.

"Annabeth? Are you okay?!" He screamed through the phone, nearly killing my ears.

"Yeah, I am, but how do you know?" I asked, the news report only came on about 5 minutes ago.

"Oh thank Gods. I didn't know you were there, how come you didn't tell me?" He sounded agitated, like as if I wouldn't have been in the explosion if I did.

"I don't have to tell you everything." I snorted.

I noticed that he didn't answer my previous question. Right when I was about to ask again, he hung up.

Nice talking to you.

I walked all the way back home, and knocked on the door, waiting for a response.

The door whipped open, and I didn't even manage to say hi before a  par of forces smashed into me.

"You've got to stop getting in trouble!" Mathew cried, Bobby desprately nodding.

"It's like you've got a certain touch to you. Maybe bad things can smell you, and get attracted by your presence." My father told me, after he too gave me a hug.

I raised my eyebrow. "Are you saying I smell ba?"

"Who knows." He shrugged. "Maybe you smell bad or maybe you smell like buttered popcorn."

Ok then, this conversation was getting strange.

"Ok then, but I need to go somewhere right now, I'll be back in 1 hour, 'kay?" Dad gave me a skeptical look.

"Now? As in you nearly died, and you want to go out?" He looked a bit angry.

"I'm gone to see Percy, that's okay right?" Percy had departure from the hospital about ten minutes after I left.

He thought for a while. "Fine, you go and have some fun." He started muttering to himself. "Kids these days."

I left the house, and went off to Percy's apartment.

Coming there in about 5 minutes, I opened the door to find a distraught Sally Jackson.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, but she just looked at me in despair.

"Come on in honey." She gave me a sympathetic look.

I went inside cautiously, only to find Percy's door locked.

I knocked on his blue door, waiting for his response.

"Is that mom? Or Annabeth?" He asked frantically.

"It's Annabeth, so can you please open the door?" I asked, talking over a closed door was getting annoying.

He quickly opened the door, and just like his mom, he looked at me in sympathy.

"Annabeth, promise me something, okay?"

"Okay then."

"Promise me you won't be angry at me, because I swear on my life, that what I'm about to tell you is not a lie."

"I promise I won't get angry."

"I found out something."

I was starting to get impatient. "About what, Percy? What is so important that you have to make me promise not to get angry?!"

He took a deep breath. "It's-it's about Luke."

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