Chap 24

328 21 57

Annabeth's pov:

I ran until I could feel blisters on my feet. The house was only a few metres now. Ignoring the pain snaking up my leg, I ran the rest of the journey, and once reaching there, I pounded on the door so hard that there were splinters embedded on my skin.

Dad opened the door. "Good, you're here. Now we need to talk."

I told him everything about what Helen used to do to me, whilst biting down hard on my cheek to make sure the tears don't fall.

"Dad, what's going to happen to her?"
I nervously asked, looking down at my fingers.

"She's going to prison, about a year, but if she sustains herself probably a few months."

I gulped. "What do you mean 'sustain'?"

My father looked on the brink of tears. "She's going to go to a mental hospital, because I came home early yesterday without telling her. And." Tears started to fall down his face. "I caught her hitting the twins."

He put his hand on his head, and shamelessly cried for ages.

That good for nothing, lying, abusing, PIG!

She said she wouldn't hurt them if I took all the pain, but she does this?!

I held his hand and cried with him, until soon enough I found myself sleeping. For the first time in aeons, I had spent some quality time with my dad.


I woke up on my bed, and a note from my dad. Once reading it, I realised I had fallen asleep, so he took me back to my room as he had to leave for work.

I checked the time.


Oh Gods, I might be late. Thankfully there was no dream this time. Once showering, I hastily put my umbrushable hair into a ponytail and brushed my teeth and ran out of the room.

20 minutes left before school. Quickly texting Piper, I left the house and walked the perilous journey into hell.

Seeing everyone outside the gates made me feel like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders.

I caught Thalia, Piper and Hazel talking in corner. They noticed me as well, and came up.

"Hey Annabeth." Thalia said and put up her hand to high five.

I gladly took the gesture and said hi back. "C'mon guys, we can talk later. We need to get to class."

I dragged all three of them inside the gates, and we all went into the classroom.

Rachel was sitting alone, but one she saw us, she evidently brightened up.

"Hey, you'll never believe it." She cried, her eyes gleaming.

I know that look, I've seen it on so many people's faces. Except for mine.
That's the look of love, a look that I have yet to explore.


e all looked at her confused. "Percy's taking me on a date. Today!" She threw up her hands.

"Where to?" I asked her, not really caring that much, I just didn't want to make it that obvious.

"I don't know, he just told me to wear casual and he'll come to my house."

Thalia looked beyond bored. "Hey, Annabeth. Do you care about anything they're saying right now?"

"No, I stopped listening after she said 'I don't know'."

Once we were about to start speaking, and everyone else were here, the teacher decided to join in.

"Okay class, settle down. Settle down, and go to page 45 and finish off that page. Once you are done, bring it in and I'll give you a mini test on the chapter we have previously learnt." The teacher droned on.


"What class do you have next?" Piper asked me, looking down at my schedule.

(A/N I don't know if I put in schedule properly, because I'm from England so I speak England's english. And every single fanfic that says 'mum' in it the whole comment thread blows up saying it's 'mom', which I find very annoying.

So all you American readers, you should be thanking me ☺)

"Oh, I have drama." I told her, not even bothering to look back.

"Yes, you're with us." Rachel grabbed my hand and literally dragged me to the drama classrooms.

"Welcome class. You're late by the way." Our teacher had a southern accent, and had a ton of makeup on.
Which is not a BAD thing by the way.

I noticed that she was all bubbly and smiley. Which is not a GOOD thing if you're looking to stay low, and just not do acting.

"Ok then, I want you guys to all do a project, and you'll act of course," the whole class groaned. "It could be anything you like, but not anything inappropriate." She each gave all the boys a pointed stare, her eyes lingering on Leo.

Leo threw his hands up in the air. "It's not always me, you know." He cried, causing the whole class to laugh, including the teacher.

Thank Gods our teacher let us make our own groups of 4 and nothing more or less, and all my friends were there.

But then I realised. There was Percy, Jason, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Rachel, Piper, Thalia and me.

9 of us, which meant one of us were going to have to be in a different group.

Percy would definitely be with Rachel, and then they'd be with Thalia and Leo because Thalia is close with Percy.

Frank, Hazel, Piper and Jason because they all knew each other so much, in which that left me, all alone.

They all looked sorry for me, but no one decided to ask the teacher if they could have a group of 5.

In my mind I wanted to say:

At least ask the teacher if we could have a group of 5, you little bitches.

What I actually said:

"Hey, don't worry about me. I'll just go to another group, that's okay." They all nodded in relief.

"I noticed there's a bit of a mishap. Put your hand up if you don't have a group." The teacher asked.

Calypso put her hand up, so did I, Clarisse who I remembered from the holidays and also -

Why does fate hate me?!

PJO/HOO Fanfiction- Behind Closed DoorsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora