Chap 25

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Annabeth's pov:

Drew Tanaka, you sly girl.

"An all girls group!" Drew burst out, putting her hand over her mouth and laughing.

"So ... Annabeth, I see your new group of friends have left you. This is what, the fifth time?" She asked me, scratching her perfectly manicured nails.

I ignored her. "Ok then, what should our little scene be?" I asked Calypso and Clarisse, who actually seemed intent on listening.

"How about I be the main character, and you guys are just there?" Drew asked me.

I shook my head, then Drew leaned closer so she could whisper something to me. "I know what you did, so please don't make me angry."

I nodded so much that my head started to ache, and Clarisse and Calypso looked at me confused.

"Drew is going to play a, um, a girl who is the best at everything, and we are going to be playing her maids." If this didn't make her happy, I don't know what would've.

She nodded, whilst I turned around to the other group. Every single one of my friends seemed to be laughing and forgetting the fact that I was not there. They seemed to be forgetting that I was paired up with my enemy.

Some friends I have.

After around 30 minutes of rehearsing, our drama teacher made all of us show it to our class.

I watched Rachel and her group, about some homeless guy. The other half of my friends were doing some action thing, and both of theirs were really good.

"Ok then, may Drew, Annabeth, Clarisse and Calypso come up?" She pointed to us, and I gulped nervously.

Clarisse was the narrator because she said, and I quote: 'I'll break your arms off if you make me act.'

I got up to the stage, Drew already there, smiling, and Calypso following behind me.

The play

Clarisse: There once was a beautiful girl called Drew, who had two maids who hated her, the ugly one was called Annabell.

Drew: Hey, Annabell, may you please get me my clothes?

Annabell: Oh shut up, you hag. You make me do everything.

Drew: That IS the reason as to why you were hired, fine I'll call Calypso.

Calypso: Oh wonderful mistress what do you need?

Drew: First of all, fire the one called Annabell and second of all, go get my dress.

Annabell: Now that is the moral of the story, don't be ugly in the inside, or else you'll be ugly on the outside.

Drew: Yes that is the moral of the story, but we didn't have to change much of Annabeth to have the role of Annabell.


The whole class clapped nervously, some of them snickering at the last comment.

"Ok then, that was, um, that was nice." The teacher seemed lost for words, and not in a good way.

I quickly went off the stage and went back to my friends, who all looked at me concerned.

"You okay?" Leo asked me, for once there was no humour in his voice.

I shook my head. "No, I'm going to fail drama, and then that'll look bad on my report." I told everyone.

PJO/HOO Fanfiction- Behind Closed DoorsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora