Chap 36

277 16 73

Annabeth's pov:

"Hey, Dad, I'm home!" I called from the front of the house, just as I shut the door.

Dad came out, his hair disheveled and his usual smile turned into a frown, as I came in, I knew why.

There was an unexpected guest sitting on our small couch, sipping on some dark liquid, black tea I think, and acting like she owned the place.

"Um, not to be rude or anything, but who are you?" I asked, but my tone said otherwise.

She raised an eyebrow, and then smiled at me, but it didn't reach her eyes. "For someone deemed to be as smart as me, well, I thought you'd have already known who I was."

It was my turn to arch an eyebrow. "Do you have the wrong house, because I've never seen you before in my life."

"Family or not. You have seen me everywhere, maybe on the TV,  the news, near empire state building ..." She carried on speaking but I zoned out, just looking at her features that made my stomach churn.

Her dark brown hair slid down all the way to her back, in very small ringlets. She wore sunglasses, a very expensive kind too.

She still wore her jacket, as if ready to leave, and through her body language I could tell that she was nervous, but only slightly.

And then she took the shades off.

"Hello Annabeth Chase, do you recognise me now?" Her unmistakably familiar grey eyes glinted in the sunlight from the small gap in our long worn out curtains.

I gasped, like any normal person would. "You're supposed to be dead!" I shouted, my fingers shaking as I pointed at her blank face.

"You weren't supposed to be born, you know. By accident it happened, I sent you to your father as a gift, but I didn't want you to know me." Her voice emotionless, like this happened every day.

"Just remember, my name is Athena, not Athena Chase." She carried on.

Anger started to cloud my eyes. "You're part of The Olympians, that's why you didn't want to keep me, work was more important to you than your own daughter!"

"Now now Annabeth. Let's not get too hasty. I did it for your own good, faked my own death a-"

"That wasn't real?" I was whispering now.

"No, I'm a billionaire you know. A little a bit of money, scratch that, a LOT of money, a few actors, and some drug-"

"You drugged me so you could carry on with your work?"

"Don't interrupt me child. And anyway, I needed it so you wouldn't remember anything, and also so it could change your mind a bit. Give you . . . hallucinations."

This was becoming too much to handle. "Get out."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Get out!"

"You cannot tell me to get out of my own house. Your father and I had to tell you this now."

I looked at my dad. "You were in on this too?"

For once, he didn't provide an answer, but instead found the floor very interesting.

"I'm leaving." I said, getting up to my room, quickly grabbing my belongings, and coming back downstairs.

Mo-, no Athena, looked downright mad, ready to tell me off.

"Annabeth Chase, you are not leaving me and your father just because of this argument!" She was standing, her sunglasses now on the floor.

"Or what? You can't control me." I crossed my arms.

"You have to listen to me, child. You are my daughter!"

I started to laugh, Athena's glare now changed into a confused look. "You're not my mom," I had already opened the door.

"You're just the sicko that happened to be drunk one night with a stranger!"

I came closer to her now, my face inches away from hers.

"Next time you want to have a little fun, please tell you're new friend that condoms were made for a reason."

I then walked off, slamming the door behind me, and running off to who knows where.

Thank the Gods for me, I had brought my phone so I could text Piper and the girls. Not everyone else though, I didn't want everyone to know all my problems.

I quickly sent Piper a text, though I was already walking to her house, okay no, her mansion.

Me:Hey, Pipes, can I stay over for a bit.
Piper: Sure, u want 2 talk about it?
Me: I'll tell you when I'm there.
Piper: Thx, bye! Luv ya.
Me: Bye Piper, and you didn't spell love correctly.

I ended our conversation there, and walked all the way. Mind you, it takes about 10 minutes for a car to get to Piper's neighbourhood from mine, no traffic, no roadwork.

So basically this took me about 40 minutes.

Don't judge me, my feet were aching.

I finally reached her door, ready to knock, but right when I did, the door opened with a flash. A very concerned looking Piper stared at me.

"You better tell me what's going on . . ." She said, pointing at me like a teacher scolding a classmate.

I nodded, breathed in, and walked up to her room. "Ok, don't be mad or anything, but can I stay over for a little while, I don't think I can go home anytime soon."

I bit my lip, waiting for her response, however, she quickly replied.

"You can stay as long as you want. But first, you've got to tell me what happened." She pleaded.

"So you know how my mom is dead?"

She nodded, her breath hitched.

"She's not. She's part of The Olympians, and she faked her own death to carry on with work. Apparently, I was a mistake, they probably were too drunk to put on protection." I didn't realise I was crying, until Piper pulled me into a hug.

"Oh Gods, that's horrible." She whispered, knowing that if she said I'm sorry, or anything like that, I'd get mad at her attempt to pity me.

"I'm not even sad about that. Just the fact that my dad knew. All those times, where I would cry to my dad about Mom, and he would cry with me. It was all an act!" I threw my New York Yankees cap on the floor. I had learned to cherish it because it was supposed to be her last present to me before she 'died'.

But I guess that was a lie too.

Piper didn't say anything, just stared down at the floor of her room. "I'm guessing you didn't want too many people knowing."

"No, only you, Hazel, Thalia, and Percy." I told her, feeling suspicious at the fact that she wasn't talking much.

"Piper . . . what did you do?"

She met my eyes. "I told everyone to come here, EVERYONE, to comfort you."

Just like a cliché film, the doorbell rang, and I could hear the shouts of an annoying Leo and an annoyed Frank.

Oh fu-

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