Chap 40

329 15 104

Percy's pov: (it's been a long day, without you my friend XD)

"It takes place when?" Annabeth asked me, her hand on my shoulder.

I took a deep breath. "In a couple of days, but we meet up tomorrow, okay?" I told her.

She nodded, her face grim. She knew what we were going to do.

I called Piper on the phone, telling her it was time, ending the call quickly.

Suddenly, a message from a person I hadn't spoken to in quite a while appeared on my phone.

I frowned, then wrote the password in, FishrFriends, I needed to see why she had texted me.

Rachel: I'm coming to Manhattan right now. We need to talk.

The message peeved me. I mean, she hadn't even bothered to speak to me before, so why now?

I decided to let that slide, and put my phone back in my pocket.

Annabeth scrunched her eyebrows, noticing my sudden annoyance. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, just some random crap." I answered.

She didn't look into it further, which I greatly appreciated. "C'mon Percy. We've got to go to Piper's, then we can talk."

I nodded, still confused. "You sure you're fine with this, Kronos thing?"

Annabeth turned to look at the street, as if someone was listening. I sighed, "sorry, that was stupid of me."

She shrugged it off. "And to answer your previous question, I am fine." She gave me a small peck on the lips. "And you should be too."

I smiled at her words. "Yeah, I should."


"You're going to use that dagger?" Leo pointed at Annabeth's dagger, the one Luke gave to her.

We were all gathered together, talking about our death quest.

I scrunched my nose in disgust. That boy had the nerve to befriend Annabeth and Thalia, then leave them in the dust! You have to have a new level of low to do that.

Annabeth looked down at the bronze weapon. "I don't know why, just reminds me before Luke turned all," she took a deep breath. "All evil."

I nodded. "You know what's so funny?"

Thalia shrugged at me. I answered. "The fact that maybe some of us won't make it back, and we're all acting like nothing is going on."

Haha, no one laughed.

"Real funny, Percy, I'm laughing so hard right now." Leo said nonchalantly.

"It's funny when you think about it." I muttered.

"It really isn't."

"It really is."

"It really isn't."

"It really is."

"It really isn-" Leo was cut off by Annabeth.

"Gods, stop all right! We have more important matters to discuss."

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