Chap 44

322 19 294

The end is near . . .

Thx to TheMasterShipper100 and also Its_Scarlet_Rose , and also Daisy_The_Agent , and all my other readers. They are being sooooooooooo kind, and voting and adding my book to their reading lists.

I love that people actually like this XD.

Annabeth's pov:

You know, you never really appreciate all the things you have until it's time for them to go.

That was exactly what I was thinking when we were sprinting to the Empire State building. Sprinting to our deaths.

We crossed the street, narrowly avoiding a reckless taxi, hearing unpleasant words from the driver.

"Did you really think it was going to be that easy?" A man's voice called from the end of the street. I turned, only to be met with an unfamiliar face.

"Who are you?" Thalia demanded.

"Ethan Nakamura, pleased to meet you." He wore an ancient style helmet over his head, identical to Percy's.

"Oh ok, nice to meet you too. Bye." Leo joked, but Ethan carried on.

"You bunch of misfits aren't going to stop Kronos from doing his plan, and I'm going to make sure." He thrust out a gun, aimed ready to shoot.

I huffed, we were so close.

I noticed the others took out their weapons too, and I hastily took out my dagger. I was not ready to kill someone, and I didn't think the others were too.

"You guys ready?" I whispered.

"No, but I guess we'll have to." Percy said.

I didn't think this was going to work, the man had a gun! We couldn't go past him or anywhere near him without getting shot at. The trigger was held on his finger tightly, it was now or never.

I had to distract this guy before he started to shoot. "You know there's eight of us, and one of you?" I told him, putting on a fake smile.

His smile faltered a bit. "Yet none of you guys have guns, how sad."

"That's not the point, and anyways, why are you doing this?"

Ethan carried on, falling into my trap. "The Olympians have assistants. Assistants that literally do everything for them, my mother is a part of them. Due to not getting enough recognition she lay all of her revenge onto me."

I stood there, dazed in a shock. The Olympians weren't the best, yet they weren't evil. "That's not a good enough reason to join Kronos's group."

Hazel was inching closer and closer to Ethan, yet his one working eye couldn't see her right across from him, her spear so long she could thrust it out and kill him.

I tapped my foot, gaining Hazel's attention. She looked at me without turning, and I pointed at his arm with the gun.

Stab the hand. Do it. I mouthed to her, unfortunately, Ethan saw me.

"Who are you speaking to?" He turned towards Hazel, a second too late. The tip of her spear cut the jutting arm holding the gun. He roared in pain, and dropped the gun he once held his hand, then collapsed onto the floor.

"You'll die! Kronos will kill you!" He was holding his arm, sweating from the pain. After a few minutes, he stopped moving, unconscious. I almost felt sorry for that boy.


"He's not going to die, is he?" Hazel squeaked, Jason gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"He can't. He won't, anyway. We would've done the same."

Hazel smiled, the nervousness that once lingered on her, now gone. I wish I could've been like that.

"No time to lose guys, come on." Thalia looked to the side, making sure no trespasser was here.

I nodded, adjusting my dagger. We'd have to take the bus.

"Um guys? We don't want to meet anyone on the way to the Empire State building, we've got to take the bus."

Leo smiled, whilst I turned my head to the side in confusion. "What, is there something I don't know about?"

"Tunnels." Great Leo, say one word and now I'll now exactly what you're talking about.

"What about 'tunnels'?"

"There are tons of tunnels around New York, maybe hundreds of them. We could use them, I know an entrance." Leo said.

I nodded, sending him a smile. This could make our trip easier, much easier.

"There's one right near Central Park,  near those sewer gate things- I don't know what they're called. But anyways, we'll take about five minutes getting there, sound good?"

Before I could answer, a blaring sound of a familiar helicopter sounded from above up in the light blue skies. I cursed in my head, I knew who it was.

"What is she doing here?" I asked, I could hear the jealousy in my voice increasing. Percy sent me a glance, but I waved it off.

The helicopter landed next to us, causing my curly hair to annoyingly wave around me, my hands desperately trying to hold it in one place.

"Oh Gods, guys, I didn't think you were serious!" Rachel called from the helicopter, jumping onto the floor elegantly.

I rolled my eyes discreetly. I was supposed to like Rachel. Heck, she was supposed to be my best friend! I wasn't jealous, Percy and Rachel were over. I wasn't jealous at all.

Not at all.

Rachel had on beach shorts and a paint splattered shirt, she crossed her arms, she was holding a blue plastic hairbrush.

"I'm coming with you." She told us, her vibrant red hair flowing in the wind.

"No, you're not." My voice was firm, this girl was going to get herself killed.

Rachel looked back at me. "Annabeth, I'm coming with you guys whether you like it or not."

I shook my head. "No, get back in your helicopter and go back to whatever country your family is visiting."

Rachel sent me a glare. "My father doesn't want me, so I'm coming with you guys, we're supposed to be friends."

I realised just how spiteful I sounded.

I sighed. "You can come with us, but I swear to God if you put us into any trouble, I will not help you." That part was a lie, I would definitely help her. I just wanted to terrify her so she could go back.

Percy intervened our little conversation. "Ok then, let's just go to Central Park."

I nodded, not focusing that much. I heard Jason whisper to Percy.

"Dude she's so jealous."

Frick you, Jason, Frick you.

Edit: it's nice to know loads of people are commenting on this, thx so much everyone!!!!! *dies*

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