Chap 53

196 16 31

Annabeth's pov:

I stood up drunkenly, my hand holding the back of my head.

"Who threw that?!" I shouted, silencing the whole gym.

In my defence, I had a right to be mad. This whole day was bloody killing me. First, Drew wants me to sabotage Piper's dating life, then she said she's going to ruin my life.

In other words, if Drew threw that ball I was going to kick her into oblivion.

No one said anything, only pointedly looked at Drew. Drew was checking out her nails, pretending to be busy.

I stormed up to her. "Drew Tanaka, if you don't own up to it I will print your face onto the ground."

She looked up at me, her mile wavering. "What? You were in the way."

"In the way? You went past the halfway line, and threw it with all your might! You were in the way."

She shrugged. "I had a reason, to ann-"

She never got to finish that because I threw the hardest dodgeball dead straight at her head, knocking her unconscious.

"Annabeth! Get out of here and go to the principal's office."

I winced. "She's not dead, sir, I could've done worse."

"Stop with your smart talk, and get the hell out of here."

I looked back at the others with an apologetic glance, expecting them to look angry. However, they looked anything but that.

"Dude! Annabeth you knocked her out." Leo shouted.

I shrugged. "She deserved it." I sighed, "She's been giving me nothing but hell this whole day." I muttered.

Frank raised an eyebrow. "Drew has been doing what?"

Damn you and your good hearing. "Oh nothing, bye gotta go." I hurriedly said, walking out. As I was walking past Coach Hedge, he whispered to me,

"Good aim."

. . .

"And don't let me see you doing that again." The principal said.

I rolled my eyes. Technically you didn't see anything. "Yes sir, thank you."

"You're welcome, now you may go." He ushered me out, sending me a smile.

I smiled to myself. No detention, no exclusion or suspension. Score! I felt like Leo or Percy, always getting in trouble- scratch that.

I'm not a complete idiot.

I thought to myself as I turned towards the gym, practically skipping in happiness, smirking as I imagined Drew's bruised nose and her screaming in outrage..

. . .

"What did the principal say?" Piper asked, as we walked home from school.

I laughed. "He didn't give me anything! Probably because of my grades and my record."

Piper paused for a second. "What?" She sighed. "I thought you were done for."

I raised an eyebrow. "You're a little dramatic today."

She shrugged. "What's going on with you and Drew?"

Leo then butted in, oblivious to the fact that Piper deliberately changed the subject. "Yeah, for the last few months she's been ignoring you, and then BOOM!" He waved his hands. "She's practically calling over for you every five minutes."

I sighed. "She's been pestering me for a while, just being mean." I silently praised myself, I wasn't really lying.

"But she's only picking you." Leo said, his humorous tone in his voice now gone.

I rolled my eyes. "She's rude to everyone, some more than others."

Piper shared a look with Leo. "You don't believe me do you?" I asked them.

They made a face. "I practically broke her face an hour ago, do you really think I'm friends with her?"

They didn't have time to answer, for an annoyingly shrill voice rang through the streets, calling out to me.

"Annabeth!" Drew called to me, she then turned to the others. "And Leon and Peppa the Pig."

I turned towards her, face crimson in rage. "Oh shut up Drew! You know their names, either say it correctly or don't."

Piper and Leo both walked away, giving me a look. I called out to them, "guys, wait! Please."
Leo turned around, mouthing a 'sorry'. I then rolled my eyes, waving him off.

"I'll ask you one more time, Annabeth!" Drew clicked her heel on the floor repeatedly. "Either do what I told you to do, or I tell."

I huffed, then crossed the road, not looking back at her. "Don't ignore me!" She called, screeching so loud that pedestrians were starting to look at her weirdly. She then realised this and walked off, muttering to herself.

I ran towards Leo and Piper, who were walking quite slow. "Well done for leaving me, you useless peasants." I joked.

Leo turned towards me, a grin on his face. "I'm allergic to Drew and her perfume, if I was there a second too long." He shook his head dramatically.

I glared at him. "I told you guys to wait-" I noticed the rest of our friends weren't hear.

"He, where are the others?" I asked, hand on my head as I tried to find them on the busy New York street.

Piper shrugged, clearly confused. "I don't know, they must have been late or something."

I nodded. "Yeah, you're right."

Leo called out to us, a couple of metres ahead of us. "C'mon woman, start walking!"

I turned towards Leo. "We're coming Valdez."

I pulled Piper away from the area we were previously in, and began to walk to Piper's house. We laughed and spoke, ultimately forgetting about our last Drew encounter, for a second there it felt like my problems and fears had completely dissappeared, only for a second though.

My smile vanished, and Piper caught on. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked, her eyes lit in concern.

I sighed. "Nothing, maybe a little stressed, but that's all."

Piper looked like she was going to say something else, but thought not to. "Okay, but if something is pestering you, feel free to tell me."

I smiled. "Wouldn't have thought not to."

We said bye to Leo, as he crossed the road to get to his own home. He waved back to us and left, leaving only me and Piper.

I felt my phone vibrate against my pocket, and I swiftly picked it up, checking to see who messaged.

Seaweed Brain: Was going to tell u at school if  u wanted 2 go on a date (kinda awkward over text, but we haven't gone somewhere since forever)

I smiled to myself. Sure, I typed back.

"Who was that?" Piper asked, peering over me.

I looked back at her. "You're good at hair, right?"

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