Chap 48

229 21 60

(Get your tissue boxes ready)

Percy turned back towards the guard, me doing the same. The guards were pouring in from every single door, too much to count. Although a sickening thought, whilst fighting I had frequently wondered as to how one of us weren't severely injured, or worse, dead.

Sure, Piper had a gash on her leg, yet for us that was okay. We had prepared ourselves for this, no matter how much I wanted to stop, I couldn't.

Suddenly, a blast coming from Frank's side lightened up the whole area, and screams engulfed my ears. I turned towards the havoc, only to have thought a million times to wipe that memory fresh out of my mind.

The middle of the building had collapsed, forming a gaping hole as wide as my living room. Some unfortunate guards who had lost their slipping fell into the abyss, their screams echoing across the room. For a minute, the whole room fell into a peaceful silence, until Kronos started shouting.

We formed back into our positions, ready to take on another round. Percy decided to spoil it.

"Come out and fight, you coward!" He screamed, directing it at Kronos.

Kronos snarled, his injured guards stopping. My friends stopped too, listening in to their conversation. "Why Percy, I'll start now if you insist." His smile deepened and I had forced myself not to gag.

Kronos stood up, directing his scythe at Percy. He seemed to forget about us, just watching Percy. I wasn't focused on them though, only Kronos's eyes. The ones that used to belong to Luke.

Now, they were of a pure gold. A colour I thought could not be seen, yet then again I never thought this whole thing could happen. I stared longingly, praying to anyone who could do something, that the gold shades on his eyes would at least change back into the blue I had come to love.

I sighed defeatingly, ready to stop looking, until someone answered my call. They did a bit more, even. Kronos was ready to pounce onto Percy, his scythe poised to attack. I sucked in a breath, until a miracle happened. Kronos's face seemed to shift, he started to shake and scream, as if fighting between the two souls trapped in one body.

The gold eyes that had engulfed the normal shades of blue, flickered back to its old self. The others were too dazed to notice, I was the only one that had seen them change. I smiled to myself, thinking that maybe, just maybe, Luke would return.

Percy charged at Kronos, right when Kronos snapped back into reality. Thalia ducked under, ready to throw her shield at his leg, or swipe with her spear at his head. I thought to myself, thinking that this would be an easy defeat.

I had never been more wrong in my life.

Kronos seemed to know every single tactic we were doing, counterparting it with a move just as quick as ours. I was starting to sweat badly, this guy was getting on my nerves. His moves were better, even. So good that I had come very close to death when fighting him.

Piper was on the floor, shouting at us, pointing at his weaknesses. It was almost as if she could see right through him.

We were going great, until Kronos caught Leo's hammer, then threw it back at him, hitting him dead straight in the end. Leo didn't even manage to cry out, he just crumpled to the floor unconscious.

At least, I thought he was unconscious.

One by one, Kronos managed to defeat us. He had grabbed Hazel by her hair, throwing her so hard she crashed onto the floor, not managing to get back up. Frank had lost his guard when he had turned towards her, and Kronos managed to punch him in the stomach so hard, that he too had crumpled onto the floor.

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