Chap 23

331 21 36

Annabeth's pov:

"So ... Luke." I tried to start a conversation.

Luke turned around to me and tilted his head to the side as if saying 'Hmm?'.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked him, I felt so nervous my hands were started to shake and feel clammy.

"Oh you're going to love it." Luke replied.

I guess he was right.

Once reaching the area I mentally died, it was so amazing! It was like a little hideout, deep in the woods. A small lake with tadpoles and fish, and a few trees literred the area.

"C'mon, let's go skip stones."

I eagerly nodded, then followed Luke to a big bush in which there was a small pile of flat stones.

"You collect these?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I throw them when I'm feeling angry at something." He told me in a monotone voice.

He threw a rock and it skimmed the lake beautifully, when I tried it just fell into the water, with a loud plop.

Luke laughed along with me. He came forward and showed me how to do it.
Nestling his hand in mine, he gently pulled me to the side and moved my arm into an arc.

"There." Luke replied with a satisfied tone.

"Ok." I was still flustered over the fact that he held my hand.

I threw it at the lake and it skimmed around 3-4 times. Each skip created a small ripple in the water.

"Tell me about yourself." I blurted out to Luke, I didn't just want to know his name.

"Well, my full name is Luke Castellan, and, uh, yeah that's all you need to know about me."

"Well , if you're going to be discreet about it, then I'm Annabeth Chase, no nicknames by the way." I told him, holding out my hand for him to shake.

Luke shook my hand whilst chuckling to himself. I checked the time whilst he was laughing.

"Gods, it's been 2 hours, I've got to pack and leave." I told him.

He looked upset, which confused me because we had just met a few days ago. "Hm, well I'll see you in school."

I smiled at him, and then left.

Once entering the house, everyone looked at me weirdly then got back to whatever they were doing. "Hello? Why haven't you guys packed?" I asked them, my arms crossed.

"Oh shoot." Leo got up, then everyone followed.

I rolled my eyes, and then did the same. Double checking everything, I left and put my oversized bag in the hallway.

Rachel was still in the room, but she looked different. Her eyes were glazed, and she had a dreamy look on her face.

"Hey Rachel, what's wrong?" I asked her, though I already knew that she had found the letter.

"Where's Percy?" She asked me, still smiling.

I pointed to the corridor, and she practically skipped out of the room. Great, I thought, you have officially made Percy and Rachel an item.

I went off to find Piper to tell her that the plan had worked. I saw her sitting down next to the counter, just humming to herself.

"Piper, Rachel found the love letter." I told her.

"Oh, that was quick." She too looked miserable.

"What's wrong?" I swear, whoever is making her feel this way, I will kill them.

"Jason." She glumly said.

"Jason?!" I shouted, she then clamped her hand over my mouth.

"Shh. He'll hear us."

"Sorry. But what's wrong? I thought you guys were going strong."

"We are." Piper sighed. "It's just that there's this girl called Reyna. They used to be best friends before Jason left, and maybe more."

"But what's wrong with that, it's in the past." I told her, a bit annoyed.

"Well, she's moving here, and once Jason found out he practically started dancing across the room." She was on the brink of tears.

"Are you serious? Jason will always love you. I mean, who did he choose, you or Reyna. Who cares if people doubt that they're just friends, you and Jason are the actual couple." I finished, shaking her a little to get it off her head.

"Thanks Annabeth. Phew, you don't know how much that helped me." I smiled, I could tell that Piper was back to her old self now.

Right before we properly started our conversation, both Rachel and Percy came in.

They called everyone hear.

"Me and Rachel are dating!" Percy shouted, putting his arm across her shoulders.

Rachel blushed, and then nodded. I did the exact opposite, rolling my eyes in a discreet fashion.

"Finally!" Thalia put her fist in the air. "You guys were drooling at each other.

We all laughed, well, all except one.

Guess who that was?

Everyone started clapping for them, whilst I merely held my hands together, wondering to myself.

Wanting this to stop, I told everyone to leave and get to the cars.

Once inside, I noticed two seats next to me. Everyone else were sitting together, but guess who comes and sits next to me?

Percy and Rachel.

They started speaking together, but I just turned around, knowing that if I kept on watching then the tears will fall freely down my face.

Hazel seemed to notice that I wasn't speaking. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Oh! Nothing, I'm just admiring the scenery." I turned back to the window, watching the grey fog and the casual cars driving by us.

"You sure? I've always seen you down lately." Hazel asked me with concern.

I nodded, and carried on looking outside.

After 2 hours or more like this, the car finally reached the stop.

"We're here guys, stupid traffic." Thalia said, but muttered out the last bit.

I laughed to myself, once picking up my bags, I left the others, wanting to listen to my thoughts.

"Wait Annabeth, we've got to say goodbye." Percy told me matter-of-factly.

I rolled my eyes. "We're going to see each other in school, in 2 days."

"Fine, but be sure to text us, okay?"

I nodded, and quickly left to get to my house. As I was walking, my phone buzzed, notifying me that someone messaged.

Dad: Honey, please come home.

Dad: It's Helen, she's been taken away. For the good.


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