Chap 20

363 20 53

(A/N Right now, I realised I got 100 reads. 😁😁

Thx to everyone who read this book, you guys are the best, shoutout to brooke_and_audrey and what-could-have-been for just reading this book. And of course shoutout to the one and only bookworm100043 who literally just congratulated me!!!!!!

On with the story ... )

Annabeth's pov:

I dreamt of a small owl, perched on a willow tree. It stared right through me. Cautiously, my body turned and out of nowhere, a flash of white and yellow seared my eyes.

Breathing in and out, I woke up. My face, once again, drenched in sweat. My hands were clenched on the duvet, as if it was the anchor stopping me from falling.

Checking the time on the alarm perched on my bed, I sat up and got ready to brush my teeth, eat and of course read a book.

I noticed Thalia and Piper were both missing in the room, the rest of the girls sleeping. Probably in the living room talking about Jason, I thought.

I changed into normal clothes, and proceeded to the couch. Thalia and Piper were both sitting on the table, talking in hushed voices. Once they realised I was here, they stopped and looked back at me wearily.

"Hey, Annabeth." Piper said, Thalia giving me a slight wave. "We didn't know you'd be up."

"Blame Rachel snoring." I huffed, then smiled. "She's as loud as a foghorn!" Thalia agreed.

"Hey, I was thinking in the morning, once everyone's awake of course, could we go somewhere? There's a cool restaurant nearby that I was really hoping to go to." Piper added.

Oh Gods, I'm supposed to be going somewhere with Luke, Clarisse and the Stolls.

"Sorry, but no can do." I told her, whilst going to the kitchen to eat Nutella on toasted bread.

"You going somewhere with someone?" Thalia already knew what I was going to say.

I couldn't really lie, could I? "I'm going somewhere with Luke and his friends." Piper dropped the pillow she was clutching.

"As much as I care for you Annabeth, if you really do want to go, then you can't tell the boys." Thalia told me, her voice etched with worry.

"Why not? Are they going to say no, because if they do I don't care. YOU guys might have a problem with him, but I don't. "

Thalia crossed her arms at this. "Luke does BAD stuff to people." She emphasised the word 'bad'. "You should at least be grateful that we're trying to help you." Thalia's face started to burn a pale red.

"I never said I wasn't grateful."

"But you implied it."

"Well, that's you're own fault for inferring."

Thalia started to shout.
"Do you not understand that he is bad news?!"

"No matter how many times you tell me, I will not believe you until I see it with my own eyes." I said this quietly, knowing that if I raised my voice a little, it would turn into a full blown argument.

Thalia narrowed her eyes. "What, do you not trust us?"

"I never said tha-." My voice shaking a little.

"Guys, the others are trying to sleep." Piper said, looking at the corridor to see if someone was coming.

"What's all this noise?" Leo asked, coming from the boys room, his hair plastered on his face.

"Oh, I'm just trying to help Annabeth, and she won't even listen." Thalia's voice was normal now, she knew I would go no matter what.

"Help?! You're acting like a deranged mother!" I shouted, clearly mad at her use of words.

"Is that some kind of joke?" Thalia was quiet, her voice eerily calm.

Oh no, now I knew. Thalia's mom was a drunkard, and she died from a car crash. She must think I'm comparing her to her mom.

Gods no!

"No, Thals I didn't mean it like that. Seriously, you need to stop inferring." I cried, my voice shaking.

Everyone was out in the corridor, watching our little 'scene'.

"Why is it always YOU?!" She screamed at my face.

"Always me what?" I asked her.

"You're bringing the problems, you always have problems. And then WE'RE the ones fixing it for you. But they still keep on coming." Thalia whispered.

"Yeah, I do have problems. Most of mine came when I became friends with you, and just for a reality check. Just because I HAVE problems, doesn't I mean I CAUSE problems!" I screamed, my throat starting to feel sore.

Thalia looked about ready to beat the living shit out of me.

"You ARE the problem. You're a problem to every one, no wonder you say you're Dad never speaks to you. Your Mom should be lucky."

"And why's that?" I could feel the tears in my eyes, longing to get out and show my emotions to everyone standing here.

"Because your Mom died before she could see what a disappointment you are." Once saying those words, Thalia instantly felt guilty.

"Oh Gods, no I didn't mean it, Annabeth." Thalia pleaded.

I just looked down at the floor, tears falling down my face.

"Annabeth. Thalia didn't really mean that, she was just angry." Jason pleaded, looking at me in concern.

"Just because she didn't mean it, doesn't mean she didn't say it." I quietly said.

My tears were falling uncontrollably, so I pulled up the sleave of my shirt and wiped at my face until it started to burn.

"I'm just going to go now." I said, not wanting to be pitied.

I rushed out of the house, and sat down at the sand and -

Yep, you guessed it, I contemplated my crappy life.

A small part of me thought that she REALLY didn't mean it.

I would've been fine if she left it once she said that my Mom was lucky. But she just had to say I was a disappointment.

Appreciating the fact that no one came to pester me, I just looked on at the calm ocean.

The sun burning on my back, not too hot, but just right.

Right when I thought I could relax and forget this all, a shadow loomed over me.

"You know, I've never seen someone so thoughtful."

I turned around to the boy that dared block my thoughts.


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