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you were awoken by someone shaking you. you were still on colby's lap. "baby, it's time" colby said whispering. you sat up. you rubbed your eyes and yawned. "ugh i just wanna go to bed" you sighed. "me too" jake said yawning.

sam was over at the table setting it up. "okay guys let me just set up the camera and then we can start"

you all sat at the table. jake sat closest to the camera then you, colby sam and corey. (if you saw the video you know what i'm talking about)

"okay let's all grab hands" sam stated. you and corey sat there not moving. "guys c'mon" sam said. "i'm not doing this ritual god knows what what's going to come out of this" corey said stern but scared. " yeah, i'm scared" you said rubbing your upper arms. colby grabbed your thigh lightly. " it's okay" he gave you a small smile.

"all we need to do is grab eachothers hands and use our spirit" sam said. corey sighed. " i'm never doing this again"

you grabbed colby's hand. you looked at jake. you bit your cheek. jake gave you a small smile and stuck out his hand. you held it. jake then reached out to the other side to grab corey's.

"is there anyone here" sam said. you all stayed silent. "maybe you should say something y/n" sam said. "uh no not after queen mary" you said. "i think we should just do the talking" jake said looking at sam. sam nodded.

"if there's anyone here make some kind of sign" jake said. nothing happened. "is everyone concentrating" colby asked. you all nodded.

"well it's not working" corey said getting up. "sit down" you told corey. "if i have to do this then so do you". corey sighed and sat back down. he grabbed sams and jakes hand again. "everyone make sure to concentrate and close your eyes." sam said.

"if anybody is here please make a sound or some kind of sign". all of a sudden some candles blow out and the camera fell. you jolted out of your seat. "what the fuck, what the fuck" corey repeated over and over again.

"what the fuck was that" you said yelled being scared. "dude" jake said in shook.
"i'm getting the fuck out of here" you said walking to grab your phone. "me too, i'm not staying here" corey agreed with you.

"okay guys wait, let's all take a minute" sam said. you all turned towards him. " sam i wanna leave we can talk about this in the car" corey said. " i really don't wanna stay here either" you said beginning to tear up.  " yeah sam let's just leave" colby said. " okay fine let's go"

you and corey rushed out of the room first. you waited in the hallway for a minute before everyone else came out. you and corey walked really fast. you made it all the way down to the lobby and out the door. jake and colby were right behind you. sam had to check you guys out of the room.

colby walked up to you. he grabbed your shoulders and looked you in the eyes. "you okay" he asked sincerely. you nodded. he gave you a tight hug. you saw sam come out of the lobby. "alright let's go" he said.

colby got in the drivers seat with sam in the passenger side again. you were sitting in between of corey and jake again also.

sam turned on the camera to talk about everything that happened. you were pretty silent and didn't say much.

sam turned of the camera and colby started driving. about 5 mins into the drive jake looked over at you. "you okay" he whispered. you shrugged your shoulders. you looked down. jake grabbed your hand for a second but then let go knowing that he can't do that anymore.

you looked at him. you grabbed his hand and held it. you held it closer to jakes side so colby couldn't see from the mirror. jake smiled at you.


sorry i was gone for a while. i've gotten a lot of comments saying that y/n should end up with jake but a lot of people also say colby.

so comment colby if you want colby and comment jake if you want jake.

also remember that i am planning on ending this story soon and recreating a sequel. 

thanks for reading !! :)

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