regrets ?

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You and jake were laughing walking all the way upstairs. You made it to his room. The door was still closed and he leaned you up against it, his soft lips hitting yours. You felt butterflies. He picked you up, legs around his waist and his hands on your ass. He laid you down on the bed. He was still kissing you all but not just the lips, all over your body. The song " make you mine" by public was playing. This was quite fortunate.
       As you were enjoying jake all over you, you heard colby laugh. He was upstairs with someone. You could hear her laughing too. In that blink of the eye you felt numb. You stopped jake. He gave you a confused look. " did i do something ?" he asked
"no, no you didn't" " i just thought i heard something" so you looked out the door. There was colby with the girl he was sucking faces with earlier. Your heart broke. You knew you were doing the same thing to colby but you didn't know if colby liked you too. You were angry so you wanted revenge. You closed the door and looked at jake. You jumped into his arms and you stared making out with him again.
    He started to unzip your dress. You took of his shirt. Jake stopped for a moment. " are you sure you wanna do this y/n?"  "yes" you said smiling at him. he smiled back looking into your eyes. He took of your dress completely and laid you down on to the bed. He took of his pants and made his way into you. You moaned. He was leaning over you. In an odd sense you felt protected by him at that moment. Your hands where on his back holding on to him. It was the best sex you've ever had. As jake was still thrusting in and out of you he whispered into your ear "i love you" as he said that you moaned very loudly and by then you two were finished. It was around 3am now and you too laid next to eachother on his bed and just looked at eachother.
Jake : " y/n" ?
y/n : " yes" you said to him smiling
jake : " i hope you know that i'm not taking advantage of you"
when he said that you felt so warm inside
y/n : " jake" you said touching his face " i love you"

colby brock vs jake webber Where stories live. Discover now