baby colby

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background : you live in the trap house along with jake, sam, corey, aaron and devyn. colby has a crush on you and you have a crush on him but you don't know that about eachother.

   You got up early this morning because you had to upload your video by noon. It was 8am and you were the only one awake in the house. You walked down stairs to go get a glass of water and some breakfast. There was barley any food in the kitchen so you just grabbed a banana and started to walk back upstairs. As you reached the top of the stairs you bumped into someone because you were looking at your phone not paying attention to your surroundings. colby : " hey y/n what are you doing up so early?"
y/n : " shouldn't i be asking you the same thing" you smiled
colby : " ig you're right he smirked, i woke up about 20 mins ago and couldn't fall back asleep so i just decided to get up"
y/n " oh, i just have a video to upload by noon and i still have to do a little bit of editing"
colby : " oh okay sounds like fun" he said sarcastically
y/n : " ikr i'm so excited" you said sarcastically back
colby : " well i'll check up on you a little later"
y/n : " okay colbs" you smiled at him 

   It was now 10 am and you heard a knock on your door.
y/n : "come in" you said
colby : "hey, you almost done editing?"
y/n : " yeah i just finished"
colby : " oh that's great" " cant wait to see it once you upload it" he smiled
y/n : "oh no that's embarrassing" you laughed "i hate when you watch my videos"
colby : " why they're so cute" he chuckled
you blushed instantly with a cheesy grin on your face
y/n : "thanks colbs" you smiled with a red face
       as you and colby were still making small talk you heard a door open and some loud yawning.  colby : " hey jake, you practically just woke the whole house up with your yawning" he laughed
           jake had a slight crush on you too and you could sense it, so could colby which made him protective over you.

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