spray paint

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the whole time colby was hugging you, you wanted to be mad but you couldn't, you would've done the same thing. you're so over protective over him.

colby released from the hug. he look at you and gave you a big smile. that smile made you get butterflies. you smiled big after he did that. his smile was so contentious. " you're smile is beautiful" he said. you smiled and blushed harder.

" i have to go do something real quick but i'll be right back" you told colby. you walked downstairs into the garage so colby couldn't hear  you. you wanted to call jake. you were a little nervous but you wanted to hear his voice.
you clicked on his contact. the phone rang. eventually it went to voicemail.

" hey, i just wanted to hear your voice... i'm sorry i don't know why i'm bothering you, you left to get away from me, sorry... i love you."

then the voicemail ended. you didn't know what you were feeling. you sat on the beanbag for a sec. you took a few deep breaths.

you walked back upstairs to colby's room. " hey what did you do" colby asked. " oh i just had to call back kat" you lied.

" do you wanna do something ?" colby asked.

y/n : " you mean like go out ?... cause it's almost 11 pm.
colby : " yeah" he smirked
y/n : " colby what are you thinking?"
colby : " c'mon let's go" he smiled grabbing your arm.

    you walked outside to his car. you got into his car.
y/n : " can you tell me where we are going ?"
colby : " you'll see"

" we're here" colby said.  you were parked in front of a walmart. " wow you took me to walmart, how exciting" you said sarcastically.
colby laughed. " c'mon" he smiled.

   you walked into the store. you followed colby to where he was walking. he ended up in an aisle with art supplies. colby walked in front of something and asked what color i wanted. 

   you smiled hugely. " colby... we are not"
you said excitedly. " wait are you serious, you remember me telling you how much i've always wanted to do this".    " of course i have" he said smiling.

   you were in front of spray paint. a couple weeks ago you told colby how much you wanted to spray paint in the middle of the night somewhere.

"blue" you said excitedly. colby had to press the button to get someone to come and unlock the shelf with all of the spray paint. she finally came after 5 mins. she asked for colby's id to make sure he was over 18. he grabbed a blue and red one.

  you hugged him. " i'm so glad you remembered" you said giving him a little peck.
" i know how much you wanted to do this"
he replied.

  you guys checked out. you skipped to the car out of excitement. " okay now big question... where are we going to go to do this" he said
" good question" you said back

" there's this wall in the middle of los angeles by the mall"  colby said

y/n : " wouldn't people be able to see us there"
colby : " no i don't think so, let's just go check it out and if to many people can see us we can just drive around and find another spot"
y/n : " okay"

you and colby reached the place he was talking about. " oh this is perfect" you said.

  you and colby got out of the car and got the spray paint. you were so excited. you opened up your can. " i don't even know what to draw" you said to colby. " do whatever comes to your mind" he said. you shook the bottle and began to draw. you wrote " i'm at the top of the world" colby laughed. " what ?" you said to him.

" nothing" he laughed slightly. " we are at the top of the world." he said putting his hand on your waist. " your turn" you told him.

colby drew a heart. you proceeded to draw. you drew some silly things like and a few other scribbles. same with colby. then right before the wall was filled up you decided to write something, you wrote " i love you c b." colby smiled.  he did the exact same thing except with your initials. after drawing for about 30 mins your spray paint was all gone. " great" you said sadly. " it's okay, we can always do this again" colby said.

  colby took a step back to look at your creations. " wow" he said. he looked at you and smiled. he picked you up and kissed you. 

   you both got back into the car. you jammed out to some of your favorite songs. you and colby has the same taste of music so it was perfect. you finally got home. you walked into the front door. " tonight has been great" you said. it was now 12: 45.  " it was great wasn't it"
colby smiled.

" oh hey guys" sam said.

y/n : " oh hey sam"

sam was in the kitchen. the bathroom door opened. it was corey. " hey guys" he said.

you all walked into the kitchen.

y/n " whatcha guys doing"
sam : " nothing we were just talking"
colby : " can we join"
corey : " sure"

you all walked to the living room to sit there.
corey : " we were just talking about all the pranks elton did to us when he still lived here"
y/n : " oh gosh don't even remind me" you laughed.
colby : " that man was so good at pranking us i truly believed he was going to kill one of us by accident"
sam : " for real" he laughed
all of you laughed.
corey : " remember when he did that big hand with shaving cream prank"
colby : " oh gosh that hurt"
sam : " i think i had it the worst out of everybody"
corey : " that is true"... " didn't you start bleeding ?"
sam : " yes" he said loudly
   you laughed.
sam : " y/n helped him"
y/n : " what no i didn't, i knew what he was going to do but i didn't help him"
colby : " you stood there and laughed"
y/n : " it was funny, okay" you said laughing
corey : " yeah well you wouldn't have been laughing if you got hit with the hand" he laughed
y/n : " that is true"

    your phone dinged. you looked to see who had texted you. it was jake. it said " i love you too" you were confused for a split second but then remembered you left him a voicemail.

   you quickly put down your phone so no one could see. you tried not to smile. " who is it" colby asked. " oh just xepher" you replied. colby nodded.

sam : " i'm not gonna lie i kinda miss elton's pranks"
y/n : " i don't" you laughed. " he made me think colby was dead."
corey : " oh yeah i forgot about that... he made me and y/n think you were dead" he said looking at colby.
colby : " oops" he laughed.
y/n : "i hated you so much for that"
colby : " i'm sorryyyyy" he said hugging you.

   you continued the night just talking about elton's pranks and other things. this was one of your most favorite things to do. just hang out with the roommates and talk about things.

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