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" colby" you said quietly. colby turned around and walked out the door. you ran after him. colby was getting back into his car. "colby" you yelled. he drove off.

    "y/n" jake whispered
y/n : " what jake?" you yelled
jake : " it's gonna be okay"
y/n : " no nothing is going to be okay... i'm such an idiot. why are you in my life it would be so much simpler without" you yelled at jake.
   you froze.  jake started to storm inside.
y/n : " wait, jake i didn't mean that"
    jake stopped in his tracks, his back facing you.
jake : " no you're right if i didn't exist your life would be easier."
      you fell to the ground. you felt bad for what you said. you didn't mean it but at the same time there was some truth to it.

    you needed to escape. you walked inside and grabbed your car keys. you got into your car. you sat there for a moment. you drove off.

   you didn't know where to go. you drove for about 20 mins and then stopped in a parking lot. you slammed your hands on the wheel. you were so frustrated.

     you sat there in the silence for a long time. you wanted to text brennen, but you left your phone on the kitchen counter.

   brennen was your best friend. you knew that you could depend on him always. you haven't seen brennen since the party and that was a couple days ago. that's the longest you have gone without seeing him. so much has gone down the past couple days you need to explain everything.

     you drove to brennen's place. when you got there you were happy that his car was out front. you rang the doorbell. " omg y/n, what the hell ive missed you" brennen said. "i know... i've missed you so much"

brennen : " everything alright?" " you seem kinda down"
y/n : " if i'm gonna be honest with you no"
       brennen took you inside. you told brennen everything that has happened. 
brennen : " wow... um... i-i don't even know what to say"
y/n : " i don't even know what to feel"
brennen : " listen y/n... you always had a crush on colby." " and now jake is in the picture" " i think what you have with colby is real"
y/n : " i love colby, but i also love jake"
brennen : " you're in love with colby y/n...
y/n : " if i am then why is jake still in the picture"
brennen : " cause you love him"... " but you're in love with colby" " i've never heard you once talk about how much you like jake, it was always only colby"
y/n : " i - i fucked up brennen"
     brennen pulled you in for a hug. " you just want to chill at my place for today?" brennen asked.  you looked up at him and smiled and nodded.

    you and brennen have spent the whole day together just you two hanging out. it was now around 9pm. " as much as i hate to say this, i think i should drive home now" you said
" you sure?" brennen asked  " yeah" " thank you for today bren, it was a lot of fun"
brennen : " of course y/n"
    you hugged brennen and gave him a kiss on the cheek as you were walking out. 

      you got into your car. you were a little scared to go back home.
         you finally pulled in into the driveway. you say in your car for a moment. you got out and walked to the front door. you opened in slowly and quietly. you heard people talking in the living room. you sneaked your way into the kitchen to hear who it was. sam and colby.  you eased dropped.

colby : " i just opened the door and there they were" he said sobbing a little
sam : " y/n loves you colby, i think what y/n feels for jake is just lust."

     what sam said hit you kinda hard. what if he was right you thought to yourself.

colby : " if she truly loved me she wouldn't   have kissed him"
sam : " what if he kissed her"
colby : " it doesn't matter" " they slept together again"
sam : " what?"
colby : " yeah... i was going to talk to her last night and i saw jake in bed with her"
sam : " she almost lost jake, what if she just needed him by her side"
colby : " sam... i just don't want to lose her" " i love her to much"

    your heart dropped. you felt angry with yourself.

   you wanted to take matters into your own hands. you turned around the corner. " colby can i talk to you" both sam and colby looked at you. colby wiped a tear from his cheek. " uh yeah sure" he stuttered. " i'm gonna go" sam said
     you sat next to colby. you placed your hand on his. he immediately pulled his hand away. that really hurt you. a tear fell down your face as he did that. " i- never mind" you said starting to get up. you were just so angry at the world you couldn't take it. " wait y/n..."
you turned around and sat back down. " am i loosing you?" " to jake?"
y/n : " no" "colby" " i can't loose you"
colby : " well if i'm not here... you have jake"
y/n : " i don't want jake" " i want you colby"
colby : " jake is a better person than me"
y/n : " he's not, and even if he is, that doesn't matter cause i want you"
colby : " you said that before"  "and then you slept with him"
jake : " i thought i was gonna lose him yesterday" you yelled a little. " i was scared, i needed to be with him then"
colby : " you didn't have to sleep with him" he yelled a little also
y/n : i'm sorry okay" " if you're waiting for me to say that i regret it, i'm not going to say it."
colby : " i don't want you to regret it" " i just- i- i'm protective over you" he said touching your arm. " i love you"
y/n : " colby, you know i love you"

the room was filled with silence. "can i talk to you in about 20 mins" colby asked "sure" you said confused.

     you walked up back to your room. you laid on your bed and looked through social media. after about 20 mins go by you hear a knock on your door.

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