his hoodie

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" i-i'm sorry... i don't know why i did that" you said looking down. " i'm so stupid" you added.

jake : " no it's okay"  he said putting his hand on your cheek.

someone cleared their throat. you and jake looked over at his door. it was sam. you got up instantly and walked out.

you walked into your room. you looked at yourself in the mirror. you took a deep breath.

  you walked downstairs. everyone was down there besides jake and sam. " you ready" colby smiled putting a arm around your shoulder.
" yup" you smiled back.
sam and jake both walked down the stairs.

corey : " alright let's go" corey said excitedly
colby : " hell yeah"

sam was in the front driving and corey was also in the front. you were a little surprised jake sat next to you in the back of the car. you sat in the middle between him and colby.

it was a little awkward. you knew sam wasn't going to say anything to colby. you didn't know exactly what he saw.

corey turned on some music. you all singed along. corey and jake snapped all of you guys singing and having a good time.

" are we almost there" you asked.
" we still have like 30 mins" sam said

you finally reached your destination. you all got out of the car. you stretched and yawned.
" ugh that feels good" you sighed
" you know what else feels good" colby smirked and whispered to you.
you shook your head, rolled your eyes then laughed. colby smacked your ass. you turned around and smirked at him.

you were at a national park that was supposedly haunted and people do rituals and seances all the time here.

"okay so we have about 3 hours of light and then we gotta be careful" sam said.
" are we gonna leave when it gets dark" corey said knowing that sam was going to say no.
" ha funny" sam said

y/n : " alright well let's look around, this place its 14 miles long so let's get started"

you guys walked for about 20 mins now. all of you were goofing off.

sam walked up to you.
sam : " so you wanna tell me what that was about earlier"
y/n : " really sam" you said a little defensively
sam : " i just don't want to see anyone get hurt again"
y/n : " nothing happened between me and jake"
sam : " okay, he just put his hand on your face and i thought we was going to kiss you or something"
y/n : " we were just talking"
sam : " okay, sorry for being a little rude"
y/n : " it's fine, i get it you don't want to see colby hurt again"
sam : " yeah but i don't want you to get hurt again either"

you were a little relieved. sam didn't see you and jake kiss.

colby walked next to you and grabbed your hand. you smiled looking at him.
" as much as i want you too you can't hold my hand like this in public, the internet doesn't know about us being a thing" you told colby

colby : " so let's tell them"
y/n : " what ?"
colby : " this way i can hold your hand or kiss you in public, this way i can show you off and i can say i love you to you." colby said a little excited
y/n : " when ?" you said a little nervous
colby : " tonight, tomorrow ?"
y/n : " wow um so soon uh" you stuttered a little
colby : " do you not want to ?"
y/n : " no- of course i do... you know what we can tell them tomorrow"

colby kissed your forehead. you weren't one hundred percent sure if you wanted to do this. you didn't know how jake would handle it. you were a little scared.

you guys have been walking around for 2 hours. it is now 8pm. the sun is slowly going down.
jake : " my feet hurt"
y/n : " same"
colby : " there's a picnic table over there"

all of you made your way to the picnic table.
you say in the middle of jake and colby again. sam and corey were on the other side.
sam packed a bag full of water and snacks.
y/n : " thank god, i am so thirsty"
jake : " thank god, i'm so hungry"

you guys all ate and drank some water for a little while.
y/n : " this place is going to be so scary when it's dark"
colby : " don't worry i'll protect you" he said wrapping his arms around you.
you smiled.
you looked over at jake. he looked down at the ground.
sam : " not gonna lie i'm a little scared"
corey : " me too" he exclaimed
jake : " i'm just worried about all the bug bites i'm gonna get" he said laughing
you laughed.

you guys all got up from the picnic table. it was now 8:45. it was almost dark outside.
colby : " i have to go pee really bad"
corey : " oh me too"
you guys walked 2 mins to a restroom stop. there were only 2 throughout the whole park.

colby, corey and sam all walked into the bathroom. you and jake stood outside. you crossed your arms and rubbed them with your hands. you shivered a little.

jake : " you cold ?"
y/n : " a little"

jake walked up to you and hugged you. his body made you feel warm and safe. it was so nice to feel him around you. you never wanted to let go.

you heard a stall door close. you both removed yourself from the hug.
jake : " do you want my hoodie"
y/n : " no it's okay, i don't want you to be cold plus i'm already wearing one."
jake : " i'm wearing a thick long sleeve under this, it's fine... plus your nike hoodie isn't that warm"
y/n : " okay fine, but when you start to shiver i'm giving it back" you smiled a little.

you put on his hoodie over the one you're wearing. after a few seconds sam, corey and colby all walked out. colby stopped a little in his tracks when he noticed you were wearing jakes hoodie.

he didn't say anything about.

hey this isn't part of the story but i just want to know how many of you guys read every part of my story, or if any of you have any ideas for my story but just let me know how you guys are liking it. thanks :)

colby brock vs jake webber Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora