his bed

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that was the worst fight you ever had with colby. you sat there on the ground crying with so much pain in your hands.

you ran upstairs into jakes room. you laid on his bed holding yourself. you just wanted everything to go back to normal.

you wanted jake to never have been hurt, you wish you never got feelings for jake and colby and you wish someone was here to hold you.

you grabbed one of jakes hoodies. it was oversized and smelt just like him so it was like he was holding you.

you wanted to sleep because you were so exhausted and tired but you couldn't. your mind wouldn't let you.

it was 4 am.

your phone dinged. you got a text from brennen. " hey, just got back from the trip, hopefully we can make plans soon ?"

seeing that text made you smile and feel happy for a second. you texted him back saying.

" we need to talk, it's important"

brennen almost immediately texted you back.

brennen : is everything okay ?

you : jakes been in an accident and it's pretty bad

brennen : oh no, where are you i'm coming over

you : at home

you were pretty excited to see brennen. you laid in jakes bed for 10 more mins just thinking looking at the ceiling. then you got a text from brennen saying " i'm here"

you walked downstairs to the front door. as soon as you opened it you fell to the ground crying. all this emotion just came over you when you saw brennen.

brennen picked you up. " hey, shh, it's okay"
he whispered hugging you.

brennen : " talk to me, what happened?"

you walked to the couch.

you explained to brennen how you went to the national park and how there was a gang there. you explained how jake took your place for them to kill him instead of you.

y/n : " jakes in the hospital and he's in a coma"
brennen : " oh god... how's everyone else doing"
y/n : " sam and corey are still at the hospital and colby- he's upstairs"
brennen: " i'm gonna go talk to him"
y/n : " don't" you said quickly.
brennen: " why"
y/n : " because he's drunk, very drunk"
you said upset.
brennen : " oh... did you guys get into a fight?"
y/n : " yeah..."

brennen hugged you. " it's all going to be okay in the end" he said softly.

you heard the front door open. it was sam and corey.

y/n : " i thought you were gonna stay at the hospital"
sam : " the doctor told us to go home and get some sleep, but i don't think i can"
y/n : " i haven't been able to"

sam : " hey brennen"
brennen got up and greeted sam and corey.

sam : " where's colby ?"
y/n : " upstairs" you said looking down.
corey : " everything alright between you two" he asked concerned.
y/n : " we just had a fight, actually it was the worst fight we've ever had, plus he's extremely drunk and angry"
sam : " i'm sure he didn't mean anything bad he said"
y/n : " oh trust me it sure seemed like it"
you said as a tear rolled down your cheek.

corey : " i think we all just need to get some rest and try to sleep everything off."
y/n : " i agree"

you walked upstairs and decided to take a shower first. you felt so nasty and disgusting.

you took a nice long hot shower and listened to some relaxing music. you then got out and put on jakes over sized hoodie and shorts.

you walked into his room and laid down on his bed. your eyes got heavy and you finally drifted off.

you had dreamed about jake. you dreamed that everything was okay and he was perfectly fine. you wished that dream was true.

you woke up and looked at your phone it was 10 am. you slept for about 5 hours but that's all the sleep you were gonna get. you knew you couldn't fall back asleep.

you laid in bed for a little while. all you wanted to do was see jake. you got out of jakes bed and opened his door. you walked into the bathroom to wash your face.

you stood there taking deep breaths. you told yourself that everything was going to be okay. you walked out of the bathroom and into the hallway.

you saw colby, standing there looking at you.

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