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you opened your eyes. it was dark. you sat up. you realized you were in the living room. you were on the couch along with , sam , colby and corey. you must've fell asleep without knowing. you checked your phone it was 8 in the morning. colby lifted his head up. " hey" he said in his morning voice. " hey" you said back with a scratchy morning voice. " what time is it" he asked. " 8" you replied. " oh geez, we fell asleep around 3:30" colby said.
" yeah i think i'm gonna go to sleep a little while longer" you told him yawning. " me too" he said.

you cuddled up against him with your head on his chest. you both fell back asleep almost immediately. you were awoken by the sound of a phone ringing. sam started talking. you looked at your phone, it was 9:30. a few seconds later corey and colby woke up too.

sam walked into the kitchen to continue the call. corey yawned loudly which made you yawn. " ow my back" corey said. you laughed. "yeah these couches aren't the most comfortable" you said. sam came back into the room.
colby : " don't we have to film a video today sam ?"
sam : " oh yeah we do"
y/n : " whatcha guys gonna film ?"
sam : " we're not exactly sure yet but we might go to this national park that's haunted"

    you smiled big. " would you like some company" you said excitedly. " actually yes" colby said wrapping his arm around you.
  you smiled even bigger now. you were a little nervous considering what happened last time.

corey : " well guess i'm staying home"
y/n : " c'mon corey" 
corey : " you really wanna go somewhere haunted after what happened last time"
y/n : " okay well this is different, we're gonna be out in the open"
corey : " i'll think about it" he said crossing his arms.
colby : " well you got almost all day to think about it, we won't leave till like 5"
sam : " so y/n you're in ?"
y/n : " of course"
sam : " perfect"

    you and all the guys did some more research on this place for a little while. corey and sam both went upstairs to take a shower.
     you and colby just sat in the living room talking. " i need to go take a shower too" you said. " oh what a coincidence, me too" colby smirked. " and i believe there is only one shower left" he added. you lightly slapped him on the arm. " if we tried anything in that shower we would both break our necks" you said laughing. " that is very true" colby laughed. " you can go take one first" you told colby. " alright" he said. he got up and kissed you on the forehead. 

   you were now all alone downstairs. your stomach grumbled. you walked into the kitchen to look for something to eat. you decided to toast 2 waffles. you sat down on the chair in the kitchen. you were just looking through social media.   you heard the front door open. you just thought it was corey or sam opening the door to grab something from outside.   you heard footsteps walking inside. you got scared.

    your mind instantly went to something bad. you still weren't completely healed from the last time when someone broke into the house and almost hurt you. you grabbed a knife and walked into the hallway. you looked straight ahead.

" jake" you sighed happily. you dropped the knife and ran into a hug. he hugged you tightly. you knew from that hug how much he missed you. it felt so good to be back in his arms. you both released from the hug.

   you looked him in the eyes. you wanted to kiss him so bad. you couldn't. you looked away before you did something you would regret. "why didn't you tell me you were coming back" you asked.

jake : " oh i don't know i wasn't planning on coming back yet, but i'm not going to lie to you, i missed you to much and wanted to see you"
    you smiled. " i missed you too" you said genuinely.
" jake" you heard someone yell. it was corey. they did theit little hand shake and greeted eachother. " did someone say jake" sam said coming down the stairs. " hey man"
jake said to him.

sam gave me a " are you okay" look and you just smiled at him signaling you were. you guys talked to jake for a couple more minutes.

then you heard colby come downstairs. jake looked up and saw him. " well i better go put my things in my room" he said avoiding colby.

" the whole squad is back together" corey said happily. you smiled unsurely. you hoped everything would go back to normal.

" you okay" sam whispered. " yeah" you nodded back. " i just hope everything will be okay" you said. sam nodded in understanding.

colby : " we should ask jake if he wants to go on the trip with us later today"

     you were surprised at what colby said but you understood that he didn't want things awkward and that he wanted things back to normal.

y/n : " i'll go ask him"  you walked upstairs to his room. his door was open and you saw him unpacking. " hey" you said. " hey" jake said back.

y/n : " i know you just got back like right now but the guys wanted to know if you wanted to go on a little trip with us later for a video"
jake : " uhhh"
y/n : " you don't have to but know that i do want you to come"
jake : " then i'll go" he said smiling.
y/n : " you're going just for me ?"
jake : " yeah plus it's fun to go to places with you"
    you laughed a little.
jake : " what time are we going"
y/n : " oh not till 5"
jake : " oh okay good"
y/n : " yeah well i'll let everyone know your coming"
   jake nodded.

you walked downstairs and told everybody. they all nodded in acceptance.
colby looked at you and smiled.

it was now 11. you decided to go take a shower now.  you walked upstairs and got all of your clothes you wanted to wear for that day. you decided to wear a grey nike hoodie and black leggings.

    you got into the shower and played some of your favorite songs. after about 20 mins you got out. you dried yourself of and put on your clothes. you walked into your room.

on your desk you saw the necklace jake gave you with his name on it. you decided to put it on. you were a little hesitant but you still did it.

   you walked downstairs. everybody was sitting in the living room. " we were just filling in jake on everything about this place" sam said. " oh okay cool" you said back.

   you sat next to colby on the end. he looked at you and saw your necklace. you looked at sam so you wouldn't make eye contact with colby. colby looked away and ignored it. you knew it kind of bothered him and you did feel a little bad. but you loved the necklace and jake so
you wanted to wear it.

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