please dont die

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you woke up in the middle of the night.  it was 1 am. colby was laying right next you. you really had to go pee. you tried to climb out of his bed slowly. "hey where you going" colby asked softly in a raspy voice. "going pee" you whispered.

you used sam and colby's bathroom instead of yours cause it was right there.

you crawled back into colby's bed. he put his arms around you and kissed your cheek.

you heard a noise right next to colby's room. "did you hear that" you asked colby. "no" he said with his eyes closed.  there was another kind of loud noise. " oh i heard that" colby said sitting up. "stay here" he told you sternly making sure that you wouldn't get hurt.

colby opened his door. " oh hey, you decided to come back home" you heard colby say.

now you knew it was sam. sam said he was gonna probably spent the night and kat's after disneyland since he was exhausted.

"yeah, i didn't have any clothes and kat had to be at her music studio at 8 in the morning so i just decided to come home" you heard sam say.

"oh, okay" colby said back.
"sorry did i wake you up?" sam asked.
"no, no y/n got up and then we heard a noise so" colby said
"oh okay" he yawned. " well i'm gonna get some sleep" he said.
" okay night bro"

colby came crawling back into bed. " it was just sam no need to worry" kissing your forehead. "
i know" you said snuggling up to him.

eventually you and colby had both fallen back asleep.

*alarm* *alarm*.  you sprung up. " is that the fire alarm" you asked concerned. you checked what time it was, it was 3 am.  " i think so" colby said.

you both walked out of his room. corey and devyn were walking out of their room too.

"what is that" corey yelled over the alarm.
" i don't see a fire" colby yelled.
"i think we should get out of the house just to make sure" devyn said a little scared.

you all walked downstairs and out of the front door. a few seconds later aaron comes running out. he was holding buddy." where's the fire" he yelled out of breath.

" we don't know" you said.

"there!" colby yelled pointing at sams window.
you all looked up. " where's sam" corey asked concerned.

the fire got bigger. there was a loud boom. the fire looked like it was traveling.

colby looked at you. he then runs inside. "colby" you yelled. " no!" you said screaming.

you try to run after him but corey stops you. " he'll come back" corey said hugging you.

there was another loud boom. " colby!" you yelled. you began crying. " oh god" you cried. " please come back!"

" colby!" corey and aaron yelled.
"sam!" you yelled.

" if he doesn't come out in 1 minute i'm going in" you told corey and aaron.
" y/n don't" devyn warned you.

" i have too, what if sam and colby are up there hurt"

"colby!" you yelled one more time.
" that's it i have to go" you said

you ran into the house. downstairs was clear and there was no fire. you ran upstairs and saw smoke coming from sam and colby's hallway. you ran towards it.

sams door was open and the whole room was just a big flash of light. the only thing you could see was fire. "colby!" you cried.

you didn't hear a response.

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