the truth

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It was the next morning. You woke up and turned around. There was colby. You smiled and felt like the luckiest girl in the world. You started to play with his hair and a couple minutes later colby woke up.
He smiled at you. "hey" he said in his morning voice "hi" you said back also in your morning voice slightly laughing
Colby checked his phone. It was 9:45 in the morning. You two just laid there and cuddled.
"i have to go potty" you said in a baby voice laughing a little. colby laughed. you got up and opened the door has you opened it you saw someone in the hallway. It was jake. You looked at him a little frightened because you had just walked out of colby's room. You made eye contact with him. "hey where were you yesterday i didn't see you all afternoon and night" "yeah i um just drove around and then colby took me out to the hollywood sign."
jake : "oh so you just slept in colby's room or sum" he sad in a sad tone
y/n / "yeahhh" you said scratching your neck "i was just tired and fell asleep on his bed" you lied
jake : "oh"
y/n "i didn't sleep with him if that's what you're wondering"
jake : "okay" jake said avoiding eye contact
y/n : "yeah" you whispered
You both just stood there in an awkward silence for a little bit. "i'm gonna go get some water" jake said sadly
"okay yeah, see you later" you said giving him a tiny smile at the end of your sentence
Jake didn't give you one in return. That hurt you but you understood.
You went to the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. You could feel tears coming up but you stopped yourself. You walked back into colby's room. "you were gone for a while" he said "uh yeah i also went to grab some water" you said not wanting to tell him about jake. colby nodded his head.
Colby : "what's wrong y/n ?"
y/n : "nothing" "why do you think something's wrong?"
colby : "because you look upset"
y/n : "i'm not" "not as long as i am with you"
colby chuckled and held your hand
y/n : " if i tell you something can you please please promise me not to get bad?"
colby : " ofc"
y/n : " ik youre gonna be upset colby when i tell you"
colby : "okay now i'm scared"
y/n : " the other night when we had the party... i- i slept... with jake."
The room was silent for what seemed like forever to you but it was only about 5 seconds.
colby : "oh"
y/n : " i'm not gonna day it didn't mean anything because it did" "i thought that you were of sleeping with someone else and i wanted to hurt you back" "and that sounds really bad when i say it out loud"... "i- i love jake but i'm in love with you colby"
Once again the room was silent for a few seconds.
colby : "i love you" "as long as i know that i have you i'll be okay" "i'm not mad that you slept with jake but i'm a little sad" "it hurt so much when i saw you kissing jake at the party that i went of and kissed someone else"
y/n " yeah that hurt"
colby : " thank you for telling me"
y/n : "yeah" you said sympathetically
colby : " i love you y/n... i don't ever want to lose you"
You leaned into colby and gave him a very passionate kiss.
" i love you more" you whispered into his ear

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