even more danger

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it was now almost completely dark outside. there was barley any talking between the 5 of you. it was getting really really cold but luckily jake gave you his hoodie.

   you had so many thoughts going through your brain. you were thinking about how when jake was gone everything was fine and you and colby were happy, now colby seems a little mad and jealous.

corey : " guys what is that" he said pointing to the ground.
sam : " woah is that what i think it is" he said smiling nervously.
jake : " i know what that is"
y/n : " that's totally not creepy"

   there were 6 candles set up in a big circle with devil signs in the middle.

colby : " that looks new"
y/n : " why would you say that"
corey : " man i don't know about this"
sam : " guys it's fine, that was probably just from a while ago"
jake : " yeah you're right"
corey : " i don't like this shit dude"
y/n : " same" you said scooting closer to colby.

you were pretty scared. you could tell that everyone else was too.

you continued to walk. there was barley anyone  at the park anymore. it was now 9pm. it was pretty much completely dark outside.

corey : " guys how stupid do you think we are for doing this"
y/n : " on a scale from 1 to 10 it's an 11" you laughed slightly
corey laughed " i agree" he said
sam : " nothings going to happen tonight guys"

  you walked closer to colby. you grabbed and held his hand. he looked at you. you looked back at him. colby was a really jealous person and you didn't want him to think he was losing you to jake again.

you heard a loud scream. you froze.
" what was that" corey yelled. everyone was looking around.
jake : " uh i don't know if i wanna be here anymore"
y/n " same"
colby : " it was probably just some kids playing around" he said soothing you
corey : " no that was a " i'm getting murdered" scream"
sam : " everyone calm down... i'm sure it was nothing"

   you all took deep breaths and continued on with walking. you had to climb up a small hill in order to continue the walk. when you all reached the top you saw another picnic table which you decided to sit down at for a moment.

colby : " you alright ?"
y/n : " yeah i just don't feel that good"
jake turned around when he heard you talk.

sam : " do you feel sick"
y/n : " a little... it just came out of no where" 
corey : " maybe we should go back"
y/n : " no it's okay i'll be fine"
jake : " you sure" 
    you nodded and smiled.
you got up from the bench.

"hey" someone yelled with a deep voice.
all of you turned around. it was a group of 5 people all wearing black clothing and masks.

jake : " what do you guys want?" he said a little scared but keeping confident.

" the pretty one" one of the guys said. you held onto colby's arms. tears came down your face. flashbacks from the last time something like this happened came back to you.

colby : " we don't want any trouble"
one of the guys : " neither do we, just give us the girl and we'll leave"
colby : " no" he said with a strong voice

sam : " just leave us alone man"
the man came closer to sam. " don't tell me what to do" he said to sam.
" grab them" the man said.

all 5 of the dudes grabbed all of you. you were kicking and screaming. " colby.... colby"
you were screaming. they all carried you to a cave. they tied all of you up. he placed you and sam next to eachother and corey , colby and jake were facing you and sam. you were crying really hard.

colby : " it's going to be okay" he whispered.

the guys were all talking to eachother in a circle huddled up, whispering.

jake : " i'm not- we're not going to let them do anything to you" he whispered to you. 
    you wanted to believe him and you know they would do anything to not let them do anything to you but there wasn't much they could do.

they took everything from you, phones, backpacks and the camera.

you looked over at corey. he was slightly crying.

one of the guys walked up to you and squatted in front of you. " get away from her"
colby yelled at him.

the guy turned to colby. " is this one yours cause damn i'd fuck her up, or maybe i will... in front of you." he said puckering your lips with his hand. he smirked and looked at colby when he said that. " i swear to god if you lay another hand on her" colby said.

the guy stood up. he walked back to the other  four dudes.

they all walked over to all of you about 30 seconds later. " we like to have fun with our toys before we get rid of them" one of the guys said.  " but" one of the guys added. " we really like this girl" he said coming up to you playing with your hair.

he grabbed you to stand you up. " you're the one we'll sacrifice" he said.

you froze for a split second. he picked you up. you kicked and screamed. everyone was screaming your name. " take me instead".

the guy holding you turned around to see who said that. " oh so you'd take her place just to save her".

you put your head down for a second. " jake don't" you begged to him.

jake was willing to take your place.

jake : " take me, let her go and you can have me"
the guy threw you on the ground. he threw you right next to jake. you were laying on the ground. your face was by his lap. you turned towards him. " jake" you cried quietly. "
don't do this please, i'd never be able to forgive myself" you told him.

jake : " id never be able to forgive myself if i would just let you die like that and not do anything about it"

all of the 5 guys were huddled in a group whispering. they all turned to face you guys.

" okay we'll take you" one of the guys said pointing at jake.

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