cant ever stop kissing you

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it was now 12:30 pm and you had a little less than 5hours before you were gonna go.

jake : " i haven't sleep in almost 24 hours so i'm gonna go take a nap before we go"
sam : " well you got about 5 hours"
corey : " do you guys wanna grab some lunch"
y/n : " i'd love to" you said excitedly
colby and sam both agreed.

   you all got into corey's car. " well what are we gonna get" corey asked.
sam : " i have no idea"
y/n : " same i have no clue"
corey : " colby any options ?"
colby : " i mean i'm kinda in the mood for taco bell"
y/n : " you're always in the mood for taco bell" you laughed.
colby : " hey taco bell is good alright"

   after a little while you guys all agreed on getting taco bell. corey eventually pulled up to the drive through. you guys all ordered.
colby : " don't you smell that deliciousness" he said taking in a deep breath of the food.

you guys all got back home. you sat in the kitchen to eat. after a little while you guys were all done.

" i have to go film a video" you said worried because you totally forgot you had to upload tomorrow.
colby : " do you need help ?"
y/n : " actually no, i think i know what i'm gonna do and i don't need any help, thank you though"

     you ran upstairs into your room. you made sure to close your door so no one could hear you. you set up your camera. you were going to do a cover. you had a keyboard in your room. singing was always one of your favorite things to do.

you did your intro and got to singing. you did a cover of, "i love you" by billie eilish. you were in love with that song. you felt every word that she sang. 

   you started singing. you cried half way through but you kept going. you finished the song and wiped away all the tears. you thanked everyone for watching and ended the video there.  the song reminded you of jake.

    covers were so easy to do because all you had to do was sing. you didn't think you were the best at singing but you were pretty good.

    you went back downstairs. " okay i'm done" you smiled at everyone.
colby : " what already ?"
sam : " you were gone for like 20 mins"
y/n : " i did a cover so it was super easy"
colby : " awe can i hear it ?"
y/n : " nope" you said popping the p. you poked him on the nose. " you're just gonna have to wait till i post it. 

  colby folded his arms. he did a pouty face. "fineee" he said in a baby voice.

you all just sat and talked. it was now about 3pm.

you felt as though you wanted to do something but you couldn't remember. then it finally dawned on you. brennen. you thought to
yourself. you haven't talked to him in so long. you felt bad for not texting him or seeing him.

   brennen did go on a few trips the past couple of days since he's changed up his youtube channel. you texted him saying " hey miss you bubs, let's hang out soon"

   corey : " should we wake up jake now ?"
y/n : " nah i say let him sleep till we have to go"
sam : " yeah he hasn't gotten any sleep"

colby stood up. he moved his head signaling that he wants you to come with him. he walked up stairs and you followed. he walked into his room. when you also reached colby's room he closed the door. " hey everything okay" you asked confused.

colby : " i wanna be alone with you" he whispered in your hear.
   your stomach for butterflies.
he walked behind you. he put his hands on your waist. he started kissing your neck. you got instant chills.

y/n : " where is this coming from" you smirked
colby : " i couldn't sit down there anymore and just look at you, i had to do something to you. you make me go insane when i don't touch you" he whispered into your hear again.

   you turned around now facing him. you placed your lips on his. " you make me go insane" you said to him touching his lips with your finger.

*knock knock*. you and colby both looked at eachother and sighed.

colby : " who is it ?"

" it's me sam"
sam : " i need you for something, can i open this door or am i going to see something that i don't want to"

right when he said that you rolled your eyes and laughed slightly.
colby : " no you can come in"
sam : " i need your help with some things for the video"
colby : " okay sure yeah"

colby looked at you and made a sad face. he kissed you on the lips biting your lower lip to tease you. he then left with sam.

you wanted colby so bad in that moment. you were mad that sam took him away.

you just laid on colby's bed. you were on your phone watching netflix. you looked at your time and it was now 4:30. time went by so fast. you decided to wake up jake.

you walked to his room. his door was halfway open. you just stood there, admiring him. you felt sad standing there knowing that he will never be yours. he looked so beautiful when he slept. you didn't want to wake him up.

   you walked into his room. you stood over his bed, shaking his shoulder. you shook harder. jake is a pretty heavy sleeper.

  jake finally woke up.
" wake up sleepy head" you said to him
jake groaned. he yawned loudly.

jake : " is it time already ?"
y/n : " almost"

he sat up and rubbed his eyes. he looked at you. he was about to say something but decided not too.  you sat next to him. you put your hand on his. " you're wearing my necklace" he smiled. " of course" you said back to him.  " i'm sorry for leaving" jake said looking down.  " don't be" you told him.

he looked you in the eyes and leaned in. his lips touched yours for a split second.

colby brock vs jake webber Where stories live. Discover now