Part Thirty-three

Start from the beginning

"Zoya , Ammi isn't upset with you and please stop thinking negative about yourself." Zoya shook her head and sat in front of him.

"It's not that Asad, I don't like hospitals and I can't tolerate the chemical smells, normally I wouldn't like it, now with pregnancy I can't stand the smell and I feel more nauseated."

"Is that so?" Asad asked relieved. She nodded forcing a smile. He relaxed , thankfully she wasn't considering herself unlucky presence.

Next Morning

"As-Salam-u-Alaikum Bhaiya" Zoya greeted as her cousin stepped in the house.

"Wa Alaikum Assalam, how are you doing?" He asked as he set down and basket full of fruits, sweets and other eatables considered good for a pregnant woman.

"Alhamdulillah" She didn't know what else to speak. Asad joined them ready to leave for office, today he was late as he decided to stay home till late and make sure Zoya eats, he would drop by hospital before leaving for office, this was the first time he was meeting Akram, he got to know, he was away from Bhopal for his mother's treatment in Mumbai.

"What will I do with so much?" Zoya asked , shocked with the full bag.

"I can't take it back, it has parcels from every aunt and I have been told to inform you that you don't have to worry as they can be preserved for long time expect this dish" he said pulling out a steel box. Zoya thanked , hesitantly accepting the things sent for her. Akram took their leave. Asad had breakfast with Zoya, she didn't feel like having the food that was cooked, he asked her to eat the dish in the box at least. He didn't know exactly what it was but only thing he understood was it was nutritious for the pregnant lady. She forcefully ate it , understanding she needs to eat for the baby.

A week had passed and Gafoor was discharged from the hospital, but Zoya still didn't get to meet Gafoor as she was not feeling well, morning sickness was getting worse and she had other symptoms. Asad wanted to take her to hospital but she refused saying it was common, Asad got the daughter and father talk through video calls. Days were passing normally, Gafoor was recovering well. She was at the end of her fourth month and they were due an appointment with doctor next week.


"Yes?" She looked around as someone called her, it wasn't someone random, she knew this person, she knew him well but she couldn't identify who it was. She couldn't see his face but she knew him.

"Come with me." She followed him, she trusted him, she silently followed him, she frowned as he was leading her towards the woods.

"We are almost there." He said.

"But why are we going in woods?" She asked.

"Shh just follow me." He spoke in a comforting tone. She was afraid of the dark woods but she still followed him.

"Wait here." He said, she nodded obediently. She looked around her , analysing her surroundings. She had walked long way, she must be almost in middle of the woods, the trees around her looked creepy, it was pitch black and yet she could see, she turned as she heard crushing of leave. He was back for her.

"Is that you?" She called out.

"Yes!" Zoya's eyes widened, that voice sent a chill down her spine, she had heard it before too, she knew who it belongs too, she wanted to run away to save herself but her feet were rooted to the spot, she couldn't move. The same dark shadow approached her, she could remember their last encounter vividly.

"You want to escape me?" He spoke, she was once again reminded that it can't be a human, the voice made the hair on her neck stand.

"Anything that separates you from me will be finished." Zoya shuddered, she was desperately trying to get out of there, it noticed her struggle and next instant she was held by it, she felt disgusted beging held by someone, she tried to get out, she does remember the pain it had given her last time, she can't let her go through it, she has to save her baby. She tried to get away from it but the hold tightened on her, she began struggling to breathe, her body was giving up. She dropped on the floor of forest as the hold on her slackened, she had no energy to get up or save herself.

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