Benny leaned over and kissed her, looked up and saw that Göran was on the other side in the Golf area, enough to not interrupt them, Frida went up a little more lying on Benny's thighs and he hugged her by the waist while they continued kissing until they heard a "HIII" very loud in their ears rumbling completely, they separated and turned their eyes knowing that it was their little grumpy.

Göran: what do you do?

Benny: life hates me ... (he said convinced of it)

Göran: what do you do? (said the boy with a fake smile on his face).

Benny: I'm kissing your mom, can't you see?

Göran: I can't see it!

Benny: can you leave me?

Göran: why do you kiss my mom?

Benny: because she is my wife and I can do it.

Göran: Can I, too? (He said with bright eyes).

Benny: no, you can't.

Göran: Of course, if you can, I can too!

Göran raised his arms for his mother to carry him, she sat him  in her lap and kissed his cheeks arranging his hairstyle. Göran went on like nothing had happened ignoring his dad and only paying attention to what his siblings were doing, then he looked at Agnetha who was with Juju reclining next to her, only that made him get off his mom's legs quickly and go with his aunt, Juju was staring at him and he did the same, then took her feet and began to join them with his hands. Then she started playing with his hair putting it in every direction.

Göran: look mom, Juju plays with my hair.

Göran laughed innocently and uncontrollably just like Juju, taking advantage of Göran turned to entertain with Juju, Benny took the opportunity to continue kissing Frida and this time everything began to warm up more, Benny began to lower his hand to Frida's, the girls kept looking disgusted.

Lotta: do you want to see how I ruin the moment?

Caroline: but they look cute (laugh).

Heléne: clearly because they aren't your parents (she joked).

Lotta: look! (started calling Göran) Göran, look what dad is doing.

Göran turned to see but ignored them and continued playing with Juju, everyone was surprised that he ignored the act and began to laugh, Benny separated from Frida and sat next to her.

Benny: your plan didn't work, Lotta!

Lotta: I'll be as grumpy as my brother.

Benny: no, please! He pays for two.

Later they ate, rested, even the children took a nap and returned to the beach. Frida went with Ash, Benny had Ludvig and Fer, Pau was with Heléne and Göran with Hans, they tried not to get too far into the water, just enough so that they could get wet since the children moved a lot.

They were playing with the water that was warm and nice, they were splashing it while making unpleasant expressions for how salty it was. When they got tired of playing with the water they returned to the sand, the sun was already starting to go down, Christian, Göran and Ludvig were making sandcastles while the triplets were with Benny and Frida on a towel playing and the others got jet skis and Cocolo were guiding them.

Pau was in the arms of her father hugging him and Ash with her mother while Fer tried to stand and dance, Frida looked at her proudly, she had it in her blood. Benny held out her hand for her to hug him, she came up to him and kissed his cheeks and he kissed her little head too. Ash, who was still with her mom, got up and stood next to her dad throwing Fer away, she wrapped herself around Benny's neck and kissed him.

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