First Steps.

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After being mindful of the call Frida received from Mona, the following Monday she decided to get up early, even before than the children and Benny who had to work, she really didn't  want to run into him to ask her where she was going.

Upon arriving at Mona's apartment she thought twice to knock on the door, took a deep breath and finally knocked. A few seconds passed when the woman opened the door with a baby in her arms trying to calm him down from so much crying. Frida didn't know what to do or what to say, she swallowed and Mona invited her in.

Frida dissatisfied with the situation, entered the apartment and sat on the sofa in the living room without taking her eyes off the baby.

Mona: why didn't Benny come?

Frida: You know he doesn't want to see you or know anything about you.

Mona: it's very important that he was here.

Frida: I need you to talk fast, as you know I also have babies waiting for me at home.

Mona: don't worry I'll be brief. —She showed Frida the baby.— He is Ludvig and I can't have him anymore and I don't want him either, I have decided to give him up for adoption and I want you and Benny to adopt him.

Frida: what?

Mona: it's going to sound crazy but nobody better than you to take care of him, also imagine all the time that he's going to spend in an orphanage waiting for someone to adopt him.

Frida: why, according to you, Benny and I would be the ones indicated?

Mona: I know I've been wrong in many things but this time I feel that way, it's like a sign of destiny. Do you want to hold him in your arms?

Frida: No, Mona! I'm sorry but I don't know if I'm capable.

Mona: Come on, Frida! Do it and then you make more decision but don't do it without first meeting Ludvig.

Frida: why don't you just stay with him?

Mona: you won't understand it but I don't want him and I know I won't make him happy, that's why I want you who can give him everything, not only the material but also the emotional and you can make him a great person. Take him in your arms so you can tell me if you feel that connection or not.

Mona was expert in manipulating people and Frida with those issues had become very fragile, she agreed to hold the baby and when she did she couldn't help feeling bad. His mom was already rejecting him and she was doing it in a certain way, maybe was she like Mona? She didn't want to look like that woman or in the shade.

The baby boy was cute, she couldn't deny it, and also very tender. His golden hair and was big enough to be three months old, he behaved very well in Frida's arms and she couldn't  help but feel a great anguish and helplessness, she didn't know what to do, she knew that Benny wasn't going to want to adopt him and she still had a lot to think about.

Frida: I need you to give me some time, I don't know what to do and as you understand, is not a decision I can take lightly.

Mona: Okay, anyway I won't have him for long and he will go to the orphanage, there they will take care of the paperwork for the adoption if you want him.

Frida: I have to go, I still have a lot to do.

Frida got up from the sofa as soon as she could and looked again at that helpless, unprotected and small baby, tried to hold the tears, passed the baby to Mona and left there as she could.

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