Maybe Baby.

974 31 28

March 1980

Frida and Benny had arrived from Japan a week ago. Benny had gone out to do some things and Frida stayed at home, she was very nervous and impatient for Benny to come back. She fixed herself, put on a white dress up to her knees and short sleeves, put on Benny's favorite perfume and looked at herself in the mirror so she could brush her hair, recoiled and then turned around to make sure everything was fine.

She took an envelope from her purse and went down the stairs and went to the room where the piano was, in front she had a large window that allowed her to have a beautiful view. Frida approached the front door to notice the moment he arrived, after twenty minutes waiting at the end he was there. Frida ran to the living room and started playing a lullaby.

Benny opened the door of the house and the first thing he heard was the melody of the piano, he put the keys on the entrance keychain and smiled, went straight to the room and saw that Frida was playing. He was very surprised because she wasn't always used to to play, and the piece she was playing was made even weirder.

After a minute looking at her tenderly, he decided to approach her, she looked at him and continued playing, she had a special shine that illuminated her whole face and made her glow, there was something in that room that seemed magical, it was an inexplicable sensation that had wrapped around them.

Benny: don't you think I'm too big for you to make me sleep with that song?

Frida: I'm not playing it for you —she smiled—.

Frida still didn't stop playing, her fingers were like a soft feather playing the sweet melody, Benny looked over the piano and saw an envelope and then looked back at Frida.

Frida: do you want to open it?

Benny took the envelope and sat next to her in the chair without stopping playing, Benny was anxious to know what it was while Frida became increasingly nervous, dying of emotion for shouting to the world that she was expecting a child of Benny but at the same time she was full of insecurities.

Benny began to read the contents and his eyes filled with tears, he couldn't believe what he was reading, finally... He looked at Frida who was also crying and hugged her very hard without saying anything, both remained embraced for two minutes while crying , the warmest hug, full of love and tenderness that someone could give, Benny gave her small kisses on her head, then looked into each other's eyes and both smiled, kissed and embraced again.

Frida: congratulations, dad.

Benny: congratulations, mom.

Frida took Benny's hand and brought it to her belly, both began to caress it and couldn't hide their emotions and happiness.

Benny: how many weeks do you have?

Frida: seven weeks —she smiled—.

Benny: I promise you that things will be different this time.

Frida: —stroked his beard— I know so...

Benny got up and started running around the room jumping and shouting "I'M GOING TO BE A DAD" while Frida was watching him and she couldn't help but laugh, he seemed crazy but he was her crazy and to see him so happy for the news it was doing her double happy.

They went to the sofa to be able to hug more comfortably, Frida rested her head between the shoulder and the arm of Benny and he didn't stop passing his hand through her belly.

Benny: is it big already?

Frida: —she pulled up her dress so she could show him,— not so much, it's tiny but you can notice a bulge here, it's like a swelling —she put her hand on the lower part of her belly—.

Andante, Andante.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant