My Family.

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The long awaited day for the Andersson had finally arrived, the doctors were preparing to do the cesarean to Frida, Benny also put on the robe to enter the operating room, the anesthesiologist went to put the anesthesia to Frida and the truth is that she was very nervous, it was her first cesarean and she was very afraid.

Benny was not separated from her for a moment, while injecting her he served as a support so that she could lay her head on him while they held hands.

When everything was ready, they put Frida on the stretcher and put a curtain from her breasts down and Benny next to her stroking her head when the doctors started to open her belly. They both had immense happiness, they couldn't believe that they were almost going to have their babies in their arms, it was the first step to finally meet them.

She had the serum in and the oxygen in her nose while they were still waiting for the first baby to come out. After waiting a minute there was the first girl, the doctors quickly cut the cord and cleaned her at the same time that she began to cry. Benny quickly approached his daughter while smiling.

Nurse: what is her name?

Benny: Fernanda, smiled—.

Benny took pictures of the first one and the nurse put her next to Frida so she could see her, both of them made their first external contact rubbing their noses because Frida couldn't use her hands.

Two minutes later the second baby was born, Benny didn't want to miss anything of what was happening but Frida could barely see because the curtain didn't allow it. Paula, the second, was born red and crying a lot with a bun of black hair. And the last one, the youngest of the three, they called her Ashley.

The nurses placed the three girls next to their mother while she watched them with love, delicacy and tenderness. Benny couldn't stop looking at them and taking pictures of them either. While they cleaned Frida and sew her again, the nurses took the girls to observation to make sure everything was fine with them since, despite everything, they were born prematurely.

Frida: Benny, can you go?

Benny: are you okay?

Frida: yes, please go with them.

Benny kissed Frida several times and went with the girls to make sure everything was normal. The girls stayed in the nursery and Benny was there with them, they were sleeping each in their little hospital cribs. He stared at them for a while, they were so small and helpless, he couldn't  believe that they were his daughters, he had triplets and although it was something he never imagined would happen to him, he didn't  want to change it for anything in the world. 

He took advantage of the fact that they were sleeping and went to make some calls to tell the others that they were already born. Then he went to the room where Frida would be and there she was sleeping, they had put a sedative to avoid the pain. He looked at Frida and smiled, she had given him those three beauties, once again he was the happiest man in the world.

After a while, Lotta, Hans, Heléne and Peter arrived at the clinic and entered the room with balloons and flowers for Frida but she was still asleep.

Lotta: how is everything?

Benny: everything went well, the girls are beautiful but I'm still waiting for Frida to wake up. And Göran?

Heléne: fine, he stayed home with Lise-Lotte.

Hans: Hey, and which one was born first?

Benny: Fernanda, then Paula and finally Ashley. You can go see them, they are in the babies room.

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