Knowing me, Knowing you.

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After that wonderful night the relationship between Benny and Frida began to improve, the doubts began to disappear but not quite and they tried to find the time for intimacy when Göran left them. The weeks passed and Mona didn't stop looking for Benny but he kept ignoring her because he didn't want to relate to her in any way.

One day in the studio working, suddenly the secretary enters the office for the third time to look for Benny.

Assistant: Benny, she says that she won't hang up until you take the call.

Frida: Benny, what does she wants with you? why don't you go once and take the call?

Benny and Björn looked at each other, he swallowed hard, got up and went out to answer the call.


Benny: what do you want? stop calling me.

Mona: Benny, we need to talk, stop avoiding me and take your responsibility.

Benny: Mona, are you crazy? If my wife finds out, she's going to kill me.

Mona: listen to me Benny, i didn't do this baby by myself and you have to answer me for this.

Benny closed the phone in anger, didn't want to know more about her and what she said, he was still confused, he cursed every moment of his life for having drunk that night and stayed with her. He returned to the office and they continued working, Frida felt a bit dizzy but still decided that she would stay working.

An hour later, Benny and Björn were writing some notes for the new songs they had already been thinking about, Agnetha and Frida were answering some mails and Stig and Görel were working on organizing some interviews and shows that they would be attending in the coming months.

Suddenly a woman entered the office without asking permission and quickly took the look of everyone with the intensity that opened the door. Benny's first impression was that he wanted to die right now or maybe the earth would swallow him, his skin went cold but the heat ran through his veins. Frida looked surprised, her head filled with confusion and questions, first she calls insistently and then she appears that way.

Mona: Benny, now you're going to have to talk to me whether you want it or not.

Görel: lady, who doesn't know that in this office the door must be knocked?

Mona: I would have knocked it maybe if Benny wasn't avoiding me.

Frida: Benny, what happens? She looked confused waiting for an answer—.

Benny got up from his chair and went to Mona squeezing her arm and leading her to the door.

Benny: Mona, you have nothing to do here.

Mona: I don't think Frida thinks the same, she sure wants to know what I have to say.

Frida also got up from her seat and approached them.

Frida: Actually, I would like to know what do you want and why you don't leave my husband in peace.

Benny: love, we have nothing to talk about with her.

Everyone there were anxious to know what was happening, Stig got up from the desk and closed the office door to have privacy between them and prevent the scandal from spreading throughout the studio. Björn knew what was going to happen. That's why he went and sat next to Agnetha taking her hand, she looked at him with a worried face.

Benny looked at Frida desperately, knew that his end had come and wanted to avoid at all costs the disappointment he knew she was going to feel.

Mona: Frida, do you know where Benny was a month ago when he didn't wake up in your bed.

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